Determination & Findings Information

The Determination and Findings are written, signed, legally binding statements, submitted by an employee, to explain/justify the method and logic that they have used to select material, services, or suppliers when committing federal, state, or district funds for purposes of procurement of non-bid materials or services. There are two types of Determination and Findings in use by district employees:

  • Small Purchase D & F
  • Non-Competitive Negotiations D & F

Small Purchase D & F

The Small Purchase D & F is used when you are concerned with the monetary limits required by Model Procurement and district policy and when your purchase does not qualify for one of the non-competitive methods.

Small purchases may be used for the award of any contract or purchase that does not exceed an aggregate amount of $40,000.00. (Purchases of like items by the district that exceed $40,000.00 in value must be formally bid. The $40,000.00 amount is that amount purchased by the entire district in a fiscal year. This is called an aggregate amount.) Dollar Limits and Requirements for a Small Purchase D & F are as follows:

  • For all purchases that do not exceed $5,000.00 in value:
    • Purchase requisition only
  • For all purchases that exceed $5,000.00 in value but do not exceed $10,000.00 in value:
    • Purchase requisition; Small Purchase D & F with three telephone quotes, electronic (Internet) or catalog—competitive comparison prices
  • For all purchases that exceed $10,000.00 in value but do not exceed $40,000.00 in value:
    • Purchase requisition; Small Purchase D & F with three written quotes from competitive suppliers. Electronic (Internet) printed quotes will be accepted as a written quote.
  • All purchases that exceed $40,000.00 in value:
    • Must be formally bid. Contact the Purchasing/Bid Specifications Unit.

Non-Competitive Negotiation D & F

This Non-Competitive Negotiation D & F is used when competition is not feasible. Bidding is not required if the item/service fits any of the following:

  • Emergency—Emergency shall mean a relative condition of insufficiency of service or of facilities resulting in disturbance or distress within the procurement procedure of the Board. An emergency can be declared only if the Chief Executive Officer or their designee duly certifies that an emergency exists.
  • Single Source—There is only one source within a reasonable geographical area where the product can be procured.
  • Licensed Professional—The contract is for the services of a licensed professional, such as attorney, physician, psychiatrist, psychologist, certified public accountant, registered nurse, or educational specialist.
  • Perishable Items—The contract is for the purchase of perishable items purchased on a weekly or more frequent basis, such as fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, fresh fish, or fresh meat.
  • Replacement parts or items where the need cannot be reasonably anticipated
  • Items for Resale—The contract is for proprietary items for resale; or in school districts, the contract relates to an enterprise in which the buying or selling by students is a part of the educational experience.
  • Expenditures made on authorized trips outside the county
  • Significant Savings—The contract is for sales of supplies at reduced prices that will afford a purchase at savings to the Board.
  • Certain Insurances
