Parent Resources

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Maintain a Routine/Schedule

Brief Tips:

"Here are some ideas to help you create a daily schedule:

  • Wake up, get dressed and have breakfast at the normal time.

  • Decide where everyone can do their work most effectively and without distractions.

  • List the times for learning, exercise and breaks.

    • For younger children, 20 minutes of class assignments followed by 10 minutes of physical activity might work well.

    • Older children and teens may be able to focus on assignments for longer stretches, taking breaks between subjects.

    • Include your hours as well, so your children know when the work day is done.

  • Schedule time for nutritious lunches and snacks. Many schools are providing take-home school meal packages for students who need them.

  • Don't forget afternoon breaks as well!

  • Have dinner together as a family and discuss the day.

  • Enjoy more family time in the evenings, playing, reading, watching a movie or exercising together.

  • Stick with normal bedtime routines as much as possible during the week to make sure everyone gets enough sleep.

Try not to have the news on all day. It is best not to have the news on while kids are in the room as it can increase their fear and anxiety (and yours!). If they do listen to the news, talk together about what they are hearing and correct any misinformation or rumors you may hear."

For more information go to: Working and Learning During Covid-19