Eastern CTE Pathways

What are CTE Pathways?
Career Pathways are systemic frameworks for transforming our educational institutions by proactively addressing the needs of students and employers across the learning continuum. Career Pathways are developed, implemented and maintained in partnership among secondary and postsecondary institutions, business and employers. Transitions from secondary to post-secondary studies have received much attention in the past few years. In Kentucky, we are working hard to create more seamless paths for students to facilitate their achievement of a post-secondary credential.
Business Academy CTE Pathways Offered
Business Academy
High School of Business
Logistics/Supply Chain Management
Hospitality, Travel, & Tourism
Computer Science/IT Academy
Interactive Media
Computer Programming
Network Security
Information Support
Service & Design Academy
Graphic Design
Early Childhood Education
Teaching & Learning
Logistics & Supply chain Management
See page 32 of 24/25 Schedule Book
This pathway prepares individuals to manage and coordinate all supply chains in an enterprise, ranging from acquisitions to receiving and handling, through internal allocation of resources to operations units to the handling and delivery of output. Includes instruction in acquisitions and purchasing, inventory control, storage and handling, just-in-time manufacturing, logistics planning, shipping and delivery management, transportation, quality control, resource estimation and allocation, and budgeting.
Year 1
Business & Marketing Essentials
Year 2
Introduction to Management
Year 3
Logistics Management
Year 4
Supply Chain Management
Logistics & Supply Chain Co-op
Hospitality, Travel, Tourism & Recreation
See page 31 of 24/25 Schedule Book
The Hospitality, Travel, Tourism and Recreation career pathway prepares individuals to provide services in the hospitality and leisure fields. Includes instruction in hospitality operations, customer sales, marketing techniques, assistance operations and techniques, essential office management, sports, recreation and equipment management, and food and beverage services. The Hospitality, Travel, Tourism and Recreation career pathway is a hybrid pathway that consists of courses within Family and Consumer Sciences Education and Marketing Education. It blends two program areas to help students explore technical skills in the industry.
Year 1
Principles of Hospitality
Year 2
Travel & Tourism Marketing
Year 3
Advanced Foods & Nutrition
Year 4
Specialized Services in Hospitality
Hospitality Co-op
Computer Science/IT Academy CTE Pathways Offered
Interactive Media
See page 33 of 24/25 Schedule Book
The Interactive Media pathway prepares students to use computer applications and related visual and sound imaging techniques to manipulate images and information originating as video, still photographs, digital copy, soundtracks, and physical objects in order to communicate messages simulating real-world content.
The pathway includes instruction in specialized camera work and equipment operation and maintenance, image capture, computer applications, dubbing, and applications to specific commercial, industrial, and entertainment needs. Topics of study in this pathway include aesthetic meaning, appreciation and analysis; construction, development, processing, modeling, simulation, and programming of interactive experiences; transmission, distribution and marketing; contextual, cultural and historical aspects and considerations.
Year 1
Introduction to Media Arts
(Course #77010041)
Year 2
Interactive Design
Moving Image Animation
Year 3
Moving Image Animation
Interactive Design
Year 4
Work Based Learning
Computer Programming
See page 34 of 24/25 Schedule Book
The Computer Programming pathway courses will prepare students to design and create apps, as well as troubleshoot the latest programming languages used in industry. The coursework will include instruction in the principles of Computational science, Computer development and Computer Programming. Upon completion of this career pathway, students will be prepared for an entry level position or continue their education in Computer Programming.
Year 1
Computer Literacy
Year 2
Computational Thinking
Year 3
AP Computer Science A
Object-Oriented Programming
Year 4
Project Based Programming
Network Administration
See page 37 of 24/25 Schedule Book
The Network Security pathway will help students be able to properly design and install and wired LAN, including all network devices, physically connect servers and desktop computers, properly design and install a wireless LAN including all network devices, and make physical LAN connections for servers and desktop computers, integrate the Wireless LAN with wired LAN and work within the ethical and professional parameters in the Computer Networking profession. Students will be a team member, learn new network administration support skills and upgrade existing computer information system skills.
Year 1
Computer Literacy
Year 2
Computational Hardware & Software Maintenance (A+)
Year 3
Introduction to Networking Concepts
Year 4
Security Fundamentals
Information Support & Services.
See page 36 of 24/25 Schedule Book
The Information Support and Services pathway focuses on the design of computing systems. The courses include instruction in the principles of computer hardware and software components, algorithms, databases, and telecommunications.
Year 1
Computer Literacy
Year 2
Computational Hardware & Software Maintenance (A+)
Year 3
Help Desk Operations
Year 4
Management of Support Services
Service & Design Academy CTE Pathways Offered
See page 40 of 24/25 Schedule Book
Army JROTC is a four-year sequence of courses in the Army Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (JROTC) high school program. This pathway’s design focuses on the development of better citizens by building skills in leadership, personal growth and behaviors, citizenship, decision making, health and fitness, first aid, team building, service learning, and geography; all within a student-centered learning environment. It prepares high school students for responsible leadership roles while making them aware of their rights, responsibilities, and privileges as American citizens. The program is a stimulus for promoting college and career readiness and it provides instruction and rewarding opportunities that will benefit the student, community, and nation.
Year 1
Army JROTC 1
Year 2
Army JROTC 2
Year 3
Army JROTC 3
Year 4
Army JROTC 4
Army JROTC Leadership
Graphic Design
See page 43 of 24/25 Schedule Book
Are you artistic and want to have a career? Graphic Design could be the pathway to your future. Using digital and print media, students master visual communication. In other words, graphic design communicates ideas and messages in a visual way. These visuals can be as simple as a business logo, as personal as a book cover, as bouncy as a cartoon, or as complex as a cereal box package. Students will master the tools and the rules to succeed in college and in the industry.
After learning about the elements, principles and software that professionals use, students will create a wide variety of real world projects to reinforce knowledge, skills, and appreciation of a culturally diverse audience and materials. Learn the rules, experience the challenge, and be proud of your results. See what you can do when art, computers, research, and creativity come together to make your unique vision a reality.
Year 1
Introduction to Media Arts
(Course #87010041)
Year 2
Two-Dimensional Media
Two-Dimensional Media (Newspaper I)
Two-Dimensional (Yearbook I)
Year 3
Advanced Production
Digital Imaging (Newspaper II)
Digital Imaging (Yearbook II)
Year 4
Work Based Learning
Early Childhood Education
See page 47 of 24/25 Schedule Book
The Early Childhood Education pathway will address a skill set necessary for success in early childhood education so that individuals can teach students from infancy through eight years (grade three), depending on the school system or state regulations. This pathway is targeted at individuals preparing for careers related to early childhood education, such as those associated with childcare, teaching, community-based children’s programs, social services or counseling for children, and after-school programs.
Year 1
Early Lifespan Development
Year 2
Child Development Services I
Year 3
Child Development Services II
Year 4
Child Development Services II
Early Childhood Education Co-op
Teaching & Learning
See page 46 of 24/25 Schedule Book
This pathway focuses on the general theory and practice of learning and teaching, the basic principles of educational psychology, the art of teaching, the planning and administration of educational activities, school safety and health issues, and the social foundations of education.
Year 1
The Learning Community
Year 2
The Learner-Centered Classroom
Year 3
The Professional Educator
Year 4
Collaborative Clinical Experience
(Student Teaching)

Performing Arts Pathways
See page 54 of 24/25 Schedule Book
Students may choose to specialize in one or more art forms. Specialization will enable students to study an art form in an in-depth manner and work toward achieving a proficient, accomplished or advanced level of mastery in creating, performing/presenting/producing, responding and connecting in their chosen art form(s). Students who specialize in an art form will participate in performance-based arts courses designed to develop skills and understanding that will enable students to use the art form as a high level communication tool. This is accomplished through the development of creativity and production or performance skills. Performance-based courses also connect the arts with their historical and cultural contexts as students study exemplary works and learn the impact of time, place and personality on the arts. In addition, these courses promote an understanding of the interrelationships among the arts disciplines and connections with other academic content areas.
Vocal Music
Year 1
SSA Choir I
TBB Choir I
Year 2
SSA Choir II
Concert Choir II
(audition required)
Chamber Choir II
(audition required)
Year 3
Concert Choir III
(audition required)
Chamber Choir III
(audition required)
Year 4
Concert Choir IV
(audition required)
Chamber Choir IV
(audition required)
Year 1
Concert Band
Symphonic Band (audition required)
Jazz Band
(audition required)
Year 2
Concert Band II
Symphonic Band II (audition required)
Jazz Band II
(audition required)
Year 3
Concert Band III
Symphonic Band III (audition required)
Jazz Band III
(audition required)
Year 4
Concert Band IV
Symphonic Band IV (audition required)
Jazz Band IV
(audition required)
Year 1
Concert Orchestra I
Chamber Orchestra I
(audition required)
Year 2
Concert Orchestra II
Chamber Orchestra II
(audition required)
Year 3
Concert Orchestra III
Chamber Orchestra III
(audition required)
Year 4
Concert Orchestra IV
Chamber Orchestra IV
(audition required)
Optional Elective for Band & Orchestra
New for 2024/25!! Chamber Small Instrumental Ensemble I
Percussion Ensemble
Year 1
Percussion Ensemble I
(audition required)
Year 2
Percussion Ensemble II
(audition required)
Year 3
Percussion Ensemble III
(audition required)
Year 4
Percussion Ensemble IV
(audition required)
Year 1
Guitar I
Year 2
Guitar II
(audition required)
Year 3
Guitar III
(audition required)
Year 4
Guitar IV
(audition required)
Year 1
Theater I
Year 2
Theater II*
(audition required)
Year 3
Theater III*
(audition required)
Theater Design & Tech I*
(audition required)
Year 4
Theater IV*
(audition required)
* Anticipated courses to be offered based on student enrollment needs and staffing
Visual Arts Pathways
See page 50 of 24/25 Schedule Book
Students may choose to specialize in one or more art forms. Specialization will enable students to study an art form in an in-depth manner and work toward achieving a proficient, accomplished or advanced level of mastery in creating, performing/presenting/producing, responding and connecting in their chosen art form(s). Students who specialize in an art form will participate in performance-based arts courses designed to develop skills and understanding that will enable students to use the art form as a high level communication tool. This is accomplished through the development of creativity and production or performance skills. Performance-based courses also connect the arts with their historical and cultural contexts as students study exemplary works and learn the impact of time, place and personality on the arts. In addition, these courses promote an understanding of the interrelationships among the arts disciplines and connections with other academic content areas.
Art: Drawing
Year 1
Basic Design
Year 2
Drawing III
Year 3
Studio Art 3: Art Portfolio
Year 4
Studio Art 4: Art Portfolio
AP 2-D Art & Design
(for Drawing/Painting Concentrators)
AP 3-D Art & Design
Art: Painting
Year 1
Basic Design
Year 2
Painting III
Year 3
Studio Art 3: Art Portfolio
Year 4
Studio Art 4: Art Portfolio
AP 2-D Art & Design
(for Drawing/Painting Concentrators)
AP 3-D Art & Design
Art: Textiles & Printmaking
Year 1
Basic Design
Year 2
Textiles & Printmaking I
Year 3
Textiles & Printmaking II
Year 4
Studio Art 4: Art Portfolio
AP 3-D Art & Design
Art: Photography
Year 1
Photography I
Year 2
Photography II
Year 3
Photography III
Year 4
Studio Art 4: Art Portfolio
AP 2-D Art & Design
(for Photo Concentrators)
AP 3-D Art & Design