EHS Clubs



FclA Logo

FBLA High School helps high school students prepare for careers in business through academic competitions, leadership development, and educational programs.

By the end of their FBLA High School experience, it is the goal that every member will:

  • Develop an understanding of what it means to lead

  • Understand fundamental business principles and how business impacts all sectors

  • Demonstrate the ability to use technical skills to solve problems

  • Create a post-graduation career plan


Eamil Sponsor: Ms. King

Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) is a national Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO) for students in Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) education in public and private schools through grade 12. FCCLA offers intra-curricular resources and opportunities for students to pursue careers that support families. Our purpose:

  • To provide opportunities for personal development and preparation for adult life.

  • To strengthen the function of the family as a basic unit of society.

  • To encourage democracy through cooperative action in the home and community.

  • To encourage individual and group involvement in helping achieve global cooperation and harmony.

  • To promote greater understanding between youth and adults.

  • To provide opportunities for making decisions and for assuming responsibilities.


National Honor Society at Eastern High School recognizes students with outstanding accomplishments in the areas of scholarship, character, leadership, and service.  Members must continually exhibit academic achievement, leadership –either overtly or silently, honorable and admirable character, as well as service within the Eastern community. Students with a GPA greater than 3.5 and a clear discipline record are notified during second semester of their sophomore year that they are eligible to apply.  Student applications are reviewed and those students recommended are then extended an invitation to Spring Induction.

Eastern’s National Honor Society’s largest and most well-known project is Holiday Care-A-Van. During the weeks between Thanksgiving and winter break, students promote the donation of canned goods and money for the purpose of creating food baskets for those in need; the baskets are delivered by seniors. Other service projects that members participate in are after-school tutoring and the candlelight processional at Graduation. 

National Honor Society sponsors are:  Mrs. Drake and  Mrs. Thacker

NHS Record of Hours form

Member information

jjrotc logo

Email Sponsor: Colonel Orange

JROTC prepares you for life, not for the military. It is given during school hours, but includes many out-of-classroom activities. We cover the basics in history, government, technology awareness, current events and physical fitness. Additionally, we teach leadership skills (like how to motivate yourself and others) and personal skills (how to study correctly, take tests, interview for jobs). We offer extracurricular activities like Drill Team, Raider Team and Color Guard.

Out-of-class activities are planned, organized, and executed by the Cadets, for the Cadets. It is an organization which is operated by the members of the organization. Out-of-class activities consist of camping trips, rappelling trips, high-wire events, snow skiing, white-water rafting, fund-raising, community service, service learning, and a Military Ball.

NO JROTC CADET IS UNDER ANY OBLIGATION TO JOIN THE MILITARY. Our interest is simply to give Cadets an opportunity to develop and improve themselves in ways schools generally do not offer. 

TSA logo

Email Sponsor: Ms. Hamilton

Imagine an activity so captivating that you spend hours working on it for weeks at a time. That is what can happen when TSA members engage in TSA competitions. Only TSA members have the opportunity to compete at exciting state conferences and then at the annual National TSA Conference. Expert judging by technology and engineering educators and industry representatives inspires the best from participants. Members are rewarded not only with medals or trophies, but also with memories of the camaraderie and the challenge of participating in a National TSA Conference.

Engineering Notebook:



Email Sponsor: Profe. Sexton

ACE Mentor addresses pressing workforce needs, offers a range of exciting opportunities for students, and plays a crucial role in bridging the skills gap, with continuous mentor opportunities from high school through to full-time employment. 


  • Help build a large, diverse, and better-prepared workforce.

  • Prioritize engaging students and communities traditionally underrepresented in the industry.

  • Assist and guide students by providing scholarships, internships, and mentoring as they pursue career pathways into the industry.

Aristocrats logo

Email Sponsor: Mr. Johnson

The group formerly known as BAMF (Barely Athletic Mostly Funny), the Aristocrats are funny people that do a lot of strange stuff. Aw, yeah. It's strange people and a lot of funny stuff. Aw, yeah. It's all that and a bag of chips. Introspective, classy, sophisticated, mature, aquamarine, lenient, aeronautical, denoting greater powers, and cheese... none of this relates to us at all!

Ha. Joke's on you. Told you we were funny. So about those Mets…no, really! We're good stuff. A little random, a touch of cow costume here and there – just give us some free therapy and we'll be fine, not to mention a free car and a trip to Jamaica while you're at it, and... ahem. Cough. Focus.

JOIN US!!!! We're funny. Haha. Yay. Wow. Excellent. Woo. Party. Just remember – if you think you've got what it takes, you probably don't; we're not all stuck up like that. So don't look at us funny. We know where you live and we're not afraid to sell Girl Scout Cookies there. So Be A Mad Fly - Box At Michigan Funnels - Banish A Mongolian Fox - Banjo At Midnight Friday - Bounce And Mumble Freely. Do all that and more for the low, low cost of $999,999.02 and know this, - "We don't have an attitude problem - you have a perception problem." Peace out.

Art club

Email Sponsor: Ms. Owen

The Eastern High School Art program is one of the best in Jefferson County and the State of Kentucky. Every year, students at Eastern are recognized for their artistic flair as they enter contests and showcase their work throughout the county, state, and the nation.

The Art department hosts their annual Art festival, where thousands of students, parents, and members of the community stop by to view the creativity of Eastern's student body. At the festival, awards and recognition are given to all students.

Best Buddies club logo

Email Sponsor: Ms. Gillespie

Eastern High School has it's own Best Buddies Chapter! Since 1995, Best Buddies High Schools has paired students with intellectual and developmental disabilities in one-to-one friendships with high school students. In the past, individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities have not had the opportunity to have friends outside of their own special education classroom. By introducing Best Buddies into public and private high schools, participants are crossing the invisible line that too often separates those with disabilities from those without.

Best Buddies High Schools also offers students a unique opportunity to develop leadership skills. With the support of school faculty and Best Buddies staff, students lead and direct the chapters in their schools.

book club logo

Email Sponsor: Ms. Page

The book club meets on Main Street during lunch on Wednesdays. We typically read one book per month. All are welcome.

Check us out

easter bsu logo

Email Sponsor: Ms. Weathers-Cummings

When you're not old enough to go on The Weakest Link, or Who Wants to be a Millionaire, where do you turn? 

Quick Recall is a club designed to exercise students' minds by asking tough questions, and expecting quick answers. Each year Quick Recall competes locally in our county, and also takes many trips outside the Louisville area to compete. Eastern has traveled to Dunbar, Hart County, Russell, and Central Hardin high schools to play some tough competition from all over the eastern half of the U.S. Eastern also takes a yearly trip to Vanderbilt University and has gone as far as Atlanta to play in tournaments. The season is a long one with matches beginning in early October and the final tournament of the year played in late April. 

chess team logo

Eamil Sponsor: Mr. Cash

Eastern is fortunate to have a chess team which competes in the JCPS League every Thursday from October to January annually. The matches are on Thursdays, at 3:30pm. Practice is on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, from 2:30 to 4:00pm. Our students put much work into the practices and games and are very successful year after year.

Chess is, by far, one of the most challenging games to date. Intellectually, it is the antithesis of the modern-day computer games which are fast, furious and unfortunately, more popular with our students. For mental nutrition and strength, there is nothing like the game. Studies have been made which indicate that students who are taught chess have an easier time with the mental gymnastics of math and science later in their scholastic careers.

fcl logo

Email Sponsor: Mr. Horan

"You don’t have to be an athlete or Christian to be in FCA"... that’s their motto. Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) is a club that anyone can join. They usually have meetings on Wednesday morning before school, where they sing songs, listen to guest speakers, and just have fun. FCA also has SEE YOU AT THE POLE every year, where students gather around the school flagpole and pray

Faculty sponsor Mr. Horan, wants to make FCA bigger and better by getting kids involved in the club. FCA had a Halloween Bash last year where Eastern students ate food, played games, and met some new people. It was a great turnout and will hopefully be an even larger event next year.

If you don’t want to be in an academic club or sport, FCA is a great way to be involved in the school and the community. It is a chance to meet new people and have a great time!