About Farnsley

General Information

Farnsley Middle School is a Math, Science and Technology Magnet school that is made up of a diverse population of students. Our student body is made up of over 900 students, from various backgrounds, who speak over 40 different languages, including, Spanish, Kinyarwanda, Swahili, Vietnamese, Arabic, and more. 

Farnsley Middle School offers a wide range of programs for all students. We offer the Jefferson County Public School (JCPS) district's Math, Science, and Technology (MST) Magnet Program as well as the Advance Program and GT services.

In addition, Farnsley Middle provides students with programs/resources: Extended School Services (ESS); a Youth Services Center (YSC); and a variety of academic, athletic, and social clubs and organizations.

Farnsley is a Community School, which provides intergenerational programs nightly and on weekends to the Cane Run community.

Farnsley's Mission

The Farnsley Middle School community, recognizing the uniqueness of its students, is committed to promoting student centered excellence in academics, developing social skills, and providing a safe environment that encourages lifelong student success.

Farnsley Motto

I am unique!
I am pursuing excellence!
I am developing!
I am a lifelong learner!
Together, we are Farnsley!

Good Citizenship

Farnsley Good Citizenship Certificates for Students

Each staff member (custodian, teacher, cafeteria staff, etc.) will receive a pad of Good Citizenship Certificates. When a staff member "catches a student being good" he or she will give the student a Farnsley Good Citizenship Certificate. The staff member will write the student's name, team name, and good deed on the certificate and sign it.

A certificate cannot be awarded if a student asks for one, and cannot be used to "bribe" the student (e.g., a teacher says "Go down the hall and bring me a box of paper towels and I will give you a Good Citizenship Certificate").

The certificate can only be awarded when the student is witnessed by a staff member doing a good deed from the kindness of his or her heart.

Farnsley Good Citizenship Biweekly Drawing

The Good Citizenship Bowls will be located in an accessible area of the Main Office throughout the day and in the cafeteria during lunch. It will be up to the students to drop the certificate into the Good Citizenship Bowl for the biweekly drawing. A specified number of names are to be drawn for special prizes every two weeks. Each month, there will be a Unity Friday drawing for different prizes. Following each Unity Friday drawing all Good Citizenship Certificates are emptied into the Super Student Bowl for the end-of-the-year drawing.

Farnsley End-of-the-Year Super Student Bowl Drawing

A specified number of names (50 to 75) will be drawn from the Super Student Bowl. There will be no duplicate names. These 50 to 75 students will receive prizes and a catered luncheon.

There will be a brief ceremony during the luncheon when each student will receive a Super Student Bowl Good Citizenship Certificate. Each certificate will be imprinted with the student's name, the academic school year, and the date of the luncheon.

Unity Fridays

Each month, there will be a Farnsley Unity Day on a Friday. Possible activities include the following:

Welcome (back) to Farnsley Day
Teachers wear their gold Farnsley shirts and give as many Good Citizenship Certificates as possible to students during the first two weeks. Teachers want to "catch students being good" as often as possible.

Most Memorable Good Deed Day
Teachers wear their blue Farnsley shirts. Students write in advance about the most memorable good deed that they personally performed. Some students are selected to read theirs during "Everybody Reads" first period. Good Citizenship Certificates are given every day.

College Day
Teachers wear a polo shirt, pullover sweatshirt, sweater, or jacket of their alma mater or favorite college. Students may pay $1 and wear their favorite college shirt or pay $2 to also wear jeans. There will be a Good Citizenship Certificates drawing today.

Hobby Day
Teachers wear their blue Farnsley shirt and bring something to share with the students regarding their favorite hobby. Students are asked to write about their favorite hobby and are given extra credit for completion. Students are to share their hobbies with the class.

Favorite Winter Holiday
Teachers wear a shirt, pullover sweatshirt, sweater, or jacket of your favorite winter holiday (Christmas, Hanukkah, etc.) or they wear their gold Farnsley shirt and share the most memorable moments of their favorite winter holiday with the students. Students are encouraged to share their favorite memory of their winter holiday with the class.

Favorite Charity or Not-for-Profit Organization
Teachers wear a shirt, pullover sweatshirt, sweater, or jacket of a favorite charity or not-for-profit organization or their blue Farnsley shirt. They share with the students why they chose this organization and what it means to them. Students are asked to write about their favorite charitable organization and a few are selected to read theirs during "Everybody Reads" first period. Students may pay $1 and wear their favorite charity shirt or pay $2 to also wear jeans. There will be a "Good Citizenship Certificates" drawing today.

Hometown Day
Teachers wear a shirt, pullover sweatshirt, sweater, or jacket of your hometown/neighborhood or their gold Farnsley shirt. They share positive aspects of growing up in their hometown or neighborhood and encourage the students to share their positive experiences. There will be a Good Citizenship Certificates drawing today.

Favorite Food (or favorite meal) Day
Teachers wear their blue Farnsley shirt. They and the students use a pin or adhesive to place a picture of their favorite food or meal on their Farnsley shirt or their dress code shirt. The students can write about their favorite food or most memorable meal. There will be a Good Citizenship Certificates drawing today.

Favorite Place to Visit or Vacation (Friday after Spring Break)
Teachers wear their gold Farnsley shirt or a shirt, pullover sweatshirt, sweater, or jacket of a favorite vacation spot. Students are encouraged to write about their Spring Break or their most memorable vacation. Some students are selected to read theirs during "Everybody Reads" first period.

Favorite Teacher Day (Teacher Appreciation) Teachers wear their blue Farnsley shirt. They share pleasant memories of their favorite teacher and tell why that person was their favorite teacher. Students are encouraged to write about their favorite teacher (elementary or middle school) and share with the class.