Ramsey Seventh Grade

Assistant Principal - Maureen Biggs

Assistant Principal - Maureen Biggs

Email Maureen Biggs

I have worked in JCPS for 20 years. I have been in the classroom as a Social Studies teacher, and I love working with students as an AP. I have been an AP at Ramsey for 6 years, and I love every minute of it. This year I am working mostly with the seventh graders, but I work with 6-8 graders on a daily basis. Ramsey is a second home to me, and its an exciting time to be a Ram! #ServeToBeGreat

Counselor - Patrick Neel

Counselor - Patrick Neel

Email Patrick Neel

I have served as the Ramsey 7th grade counselor since 2014. Mr. Neel is from Louisville and is a proud JCPS graduate. He is available to help any student and is a passionate student advocate.