
Musical instruments

Music Class:

Mrs. Mueller’s philosophy:  I teach the KY Core Content for arts and humanities using a combination of methods including Kodaly and Orff-Schulwerk.  (Click on the linked words to find out more.)  The Kodaly method uses folk songs and other high quality musical material to develop competency in music literacy.  Orff-Schulwerk is a method based heavily in student exploration and creativity.  I am certified in all three levels of Kodaly training, in Orff-Schulwerk as well.   My educational philosophy is to facilitate students developing the tools to pursue and enjoy music throughout their life in whatever capacity suites each of them best.  Students will make music in my classroom by singing, playing instruments, speaking and moving to explore the musical elements and styles of the world.

Pictures from our Louisville Orchestra Musician Visits:

Andrew Doube - Tuba,   Lillian Pettit - cello,  Jonathan Mueller - viola

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Tuba exposition
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Viola lesson and expositions