Back to School Information
Welcome back to Blue Lick Elementary for the 2024-2025 school year!
We are so excited to be back to school this year! Below you will find everything you need to have your child ready to start the school year.
Important dates:
Class assignment letters will be sent at the end of July.
Kindergarten Orientation: Tuesday. July 30th 6-7 pm
Kindergarten Camp: Wednesday, July 31st, 2024 -- more info being sent home!
Kindergarten Testing: Thursday, August 1st, 2024 (by appointment only)
Meet your Teacher/ Back to School Bash! Tuesday, August 6th, 2024
K-2nd Grade 2-3 pm
3rd-5th Grade 3-4 pm
Come meet your teacher, drop off school supplies, verify transportation, and drop off any records.
Back to School Bash- There will also be fun activities and food outside following Meet Your Teacher! Parking will be located in the back of the building.
First Day of School: Thursday, August 8th, 2024
Open House: Thursday, September 5th 6-7 pm
Blue Lick Supply List

Blue Lick Kindergarten Camp/ Orientation
Blue Lick Dress Code
School Name: Blue Lick Elementary
Subject of the Policy: Blue Lick Elementary School Dress Code
Student dress and personal appearance should neither disrupt nor distract from the educational environment of the school. Parents will be notified of any violations of the dress code and may be required to provide appropriate clothing.
Uniforms are not required but can be considered appropriate attire for our dress code. Our dress code is as follows:
No clothing that is controversial, obscene, or has representations of subjects for which we have zero tolerance (such as alcohol, tobacco, profanity, violence, or drug logos/ symbols)
may be worn.
Showing undergarments are prohibited,
All coats (outdoor wear) must be kept in designated areas and not be worn in the
classroom areas. Hoodies/ Sweaters/ light jackets may be worn to school, but the hood may not be worn in the
building.For the safety of students, tennis shoes are encouraged daily. Shoes are required at all times---house slippers, flip flops,, athletic slides, shoes with more than 2 inch heels, open toed shoes including sandals, or any footwear that does not provide sanitary and safety protection are prohibited. Athletic shoes ARE REQUIRED on days when PE is the special area.
All shirts/tops/dresses must cover the shoulders and have sleeves (no tank tops). When raising arms above the head, the shirt/top must cover the midriff area so that no skin is showing. Shirts/tops/dresses must not be low---cut or see---through.
Shorts, skirts,and dresses should be worn at an appropriate length; no shorter than the end of the fingertip when the arm is extended straight down the side of the body.
All pants must be worn at the waist (no sagging).
No pajamas may be worn at school except on designated days.
All hats, scarves, sweatbands and bandanas must be kept in backpacks/lockers during the instructional day. (Headdresses worn for religious reasons are the only exception to this rule)
The above items are general guidelines, but not an exhaustive list of inappropriate clothing. Therefore, administrators are the final decision making authority in the enforcement and interpretation of the dress code.
October 22, 2014
First Reading:
November 13, 2014
Second Reading:
December 11, 2014
December 11, 2014
October 30, 2019
May 20, 2021
September 1, 2022
Signature_Amy S. Uhlman
(SBDM Council Chairperson)
Required Parent Forms - Must Complete Every Year!!!
Every year parents are required to fill out several forms for each attending student. You can go ahead and “complete the forms” now! Please complete these forms.
All REQUIRED school forms can be found on the Parent Place website.
Parent Place website (not to be confused with Parent Portal)
Having trouble accessing Parent Place? Try these tips:
Access Parent Place from a desktop or laptop computer only -- smart phones typically are not compatible
Blue Lick Grade Level Schedules

School Requirements/ Health Forms(New or Kindergarten Students)
Make sure to view the attached school requirements on the following page.
Please scan/ email documents to our school nurse, Ms. Jasmine (Email Ms. Jasmine) or bring the following documents to Blue Lick.
You can find the required forms here
*Please also ensure that we have any information on medical conditions, allergies, updated custody paperwork, etc.!
*If your child requires a prescribed medication during the school day, you need to fill out a Medication Form in the office. Medicine should be brought to school by an adult with complete instructions and in its original container with the label attached (dose, name, time). Please make sure your child’s teacher and the office staff are aware of any health concerns/ allergies that require special monitoring or precautions during the school day.
Health Information
If your child requires a prescribed medication or over the counter medication during the school day, you need to fill out a Medication Form. Medicine should be brought to school by an adult with complete instructions and in its original container with the label attached (dose, name, time). Please make sure your child’s teacher and the office staff are aware of any health concerns/ allergies that require special monitoring or precautions during the school day.
Before a single dose of medication can be administered to a student in a JCPS school or on a field trip, appropriate authorization must be on file.
Authorization forms are valid only for the current school year.
Any time a change occurs for the medication (a change in dosage or a change in the time the medication should be taken, for example), written authorization from the health-care provider must be submitted.
JCPS cannot accept written or verbal requests from parents for medication administration or for any changes related to medication.
The time the medication is to be administered must be specified for all daily medications.
Authorization forms must be signed by the parent/guardian, and over-the-counter medications must also be signed by a health-care provider.
Permission Form for Prescribed or Over-the-Counter Medication (PDF)
Medical provider signature needed when:
An over-the-counter medication will be given more than three days in a row, or
If the student will be self-carrying a medication
Medication Procedures
All medications should be brought to school by the parent/caregiver in the original, labeled container. If there are difficulties with getting medications to the schools, school staff should be contacted.
School Health Plans
School Health Plans (SHPs) are needed for each student with a known health condition. The form must be signed by both the parent/guardian and the health-care provider to be valid. Forms are kept at students’ schools and provide individual emergency plans. An additional authorization form (see authorization forms above) may be needed to administer medication. Each form submitted to a school also must be faxed to Health Services at (502) 485-3670. Questions? Call (502) 485-3387. District staff members may not provide health services for a student without the proper form on file for the current school year.
Blue Lick Schedule - Coming Soon!
The first day of school is Thursday, August 9th! We ask that our students be at school by 9:30 on the first day. School hours are 9:40-4:20. If your child rides a bus, it is extremely important that they ride the FIRST DAY so that we can correctly tag each student. Also, keep in mind that the buses may run late for the first week or two of school.
Informing parents and families of school events and activities is very important to us. We will use several ways to communicate with you this year such as our Blue Lick Facebook page, email, text message, and School CNXT. It is essential that you communicate throughout the year with the office regarding transportation changes, medications/health conditions, custody paperwork, updated phone numbers/ address, and student needs. Also, every night your student should bring home their agenda that will include class and school information. You can also find the latest information on our school Facebook page and school website! Weekly messages will be sent out to parents as well.
To make sure you receive text messages, simply opt in to School Messenger by texting Y to 67587. You MUST opt in to this system to receive text messages. Even if JCPS has your correct phone number on file, you won’t receive text messages if you haven’t opted in to School Messenger.
To receive emails from the district and your child’s school, you must have your current email address in our JCPS system. Information can be updated in the Parent Portal. If you do not have a Parent Portal login, you can set up an account here.
Class Assignments
You will receive a tentative class assignment in the mail. You can also meet your teacher at the Meet Your Teacher on August 7th! Due to enrollment and class size balancing, changes could occur up to two weeks after school starts.
All students receive FREE breakfast and FREE lunch every day! Parents must complete the Educational Benefits Form (EBF) online or the forms will be sent home. Without completing these forms, our school could lose these programs that provide free breakfast/ lunch, programs, and field trips, etc.! Please complete the form.
It is very important that we know how your child will be safely arriving and leaving school each day. You should receive a letter in the mail to verify transportation for your child. If you need to make a change, you will need to contact the office at 485-8212. Each student will receive a tag on the first day of school to indicate transportation. Please do not remove the tag or bracelet. Students will need this all year. * If there are changes to your child’s transportation, you must send a note to school about the change. There will be no pickups in the office after 3:30pm.
Bus Rider- Bus riders will enter and exit the building from the front circle each day. You will receive a bus confirmation letter indicating the bus number and stop. The bus information will be available at this website.
Walkers- Walkers will be dismissed from the side door between Blue Lick and Knight. For the safety of students, walkers will be dismissed after the car riders are dismissed at 4pm. Only students that live within a mile of school will be allowed to be walkers. Do not park in the in the lot and pick up your child!
Car Riders- Car riders will enter and exit at the rear door. Car Riders can be dropped off at 8:30am-9:05am. Cars will be given a tag to ensure only approved adults will be picking up their child.
For the safety of our students, visitors will be limited in the building unless you have a scheduled appointment during school hours. If you need to pick up your child or drop something off at the office, a staff member will meet you at the front door. Lunch guests will not be permitted at this time. We will provide further guidance about school activities and events as we receive additional information.
Important Reminders
COVID Protocols
We anticipate further guidance about the guidelines soon. We will share the information as soon as we know the updates. Remember, safety is our priority at Blue Lick. Health and Guidance.
Please DO NOT send any medications to school with your child. This includes all over the counter medications and cough drops. ALL medications require a physician’s approval. Medication forms are available in the front office at any time or they can be found and printed here: JCPS Medication and School Health Plan forms. Please contact the school office if your child will require either daily or emergency/as needed medications during the school day.
Custody Papers
If there are any circumstances relating to custody, visitation, or protective orders, please provide the front office with current court documents each school year and when changes occur during the school year.
Student Absences
Please call the school office each day your student is absent. Please send a written explanation of the absence on the day your student returns to school. Absence notes must be received within 3 days of the absence to be considered for excusal. If you know your child will be absent due to an upcoming event or travel, please inform the school office in advance. Some absences may be eligible for approved educational leave. These must be submitted on the appropriate form and approved by the principal at least 2 weeks prior to the absence.
Transportation Changes
All children will be dismissed according to the transportation plan on file. If dismissal plans must change for a particular day, please submit those changes in writing the day of or in advance of this change. There may be some instances where a change arises during the school day. If this occurs, please contact the school office before 3:30 pm so the student and teacher can be adequately notified of the change.