Middle/High Admissions
2025-26 MS/HS Application Process
Admission to Brown School for Middle and High is Criteria-Based
1. The application period is November 11 - December 20, 2024. To apply, complete the JCPS online application available at https://www.jefferson.kyschools.us/how-apply and at registration sites throughout the district. Brown School is unable to review “second choice” middle school applications. Please do NOT make Brown Middle your second choice on the magnet school application. Some years, Brown School is able to review “second choice” high school applications. However, this is not always possible. It is strongly recommended that high school applicants only mark Brown High as their first choice.
*If you are new to the district, please visit www.jefferson.kyschools.us/schools/apply/new-students for information about registering your child for school in the district. The registration process must occur prior to completing the JCPS Magnet School online application. (This step is required for students in private/parochial schools, students moving to Jefferson County from other school districts, and students enrolling in Jefferson County for the first time.)
2. We encourage prospective families to attend one of our daytime Program Information Sessions. Dates/times are available below and at https://bit.ly/brownadmissions.
3. Upon completing the online application, students are required to submit the following application materials to the Admissions Committee at Brown School. Students who have been enrolled in JCPS continuously the past two years do not need to submit all the materials. JCPS provides most of these materials electronically to the school once the application is processed. In order for these items to be submitted electronically to the school, it is important that you leave the box checked next to the following statement: I give permission for my child’s information (grades, report cards, attendance, and standardized test scores) to be provided electronically to the programs selected on the application.
All materials must be received at Brown by December 20, 2024 in order for the application to be considered.
Required Application Materials for students who attended a non-JCPS school in the prior two years
Academic Records (current and prior school year)
All Standardized Test Scores (KSA, ACT, CogAT, Terranova, etc.)
Required Application Materials for ALL Applicants (New to JCPS Students and Current JCPS Students)
Important Note: By permitting a teacher to submit a recommendation form electronically, parents/guardians are waiving their right to view the document. If parents/guardians do not wish to waive their right to view the recommendation, a printed copy of the document should be submitted with the appropriate box checked at the top of the page.
Submit your Required Application Materials to:
Admissions Committee
J. Graham Brown School
546 S. 1st Street
Louisville, KY 40202
You may also submit your application materials electronically to our admissions clerk, Ms. Ja'Lisa Meaux, at jalisa.meaux@jefferson.kyschools.us.
4. Applicants who meet the minimum criteria (available here) will be invited to complete the SDL Dispositions Survey and Writing Task during one of the offered in-person or online survey sessions. Invitations will be sent beginning January 21 and the first sessions will take place in February.
Once all admission materials are received by the school and screened by the Admissions Committee, the applicant may be contacted to reserve a time for an interview. This will occur in February. Notice of the admission decision will be sent to each applicant by February 29.
For more information on the online application process, contact the JCPS Optional, Magnet, and Advance Programs Office at (502) 485-3323 or the Parent Assistance Center at (502) 485-6250 or (502) 485-6771.
Application Forms and Rubrics
SDL Dispositions Survey and Writing Task
Applicants must complete the SDL Dispositions Survey and Writing Task during one of the offered in-person or online survey sessions. Based on the results, applicants will be ranked by grade and JCPS Diversity Index Category.
1. SDL Dispositions Survey - Measures student dispositions in relation to three of the four dispositions of J. Graham Brown School’s Self Directed Learning (SDL) magnet program theme.
a. Independence 25%
b. Empathy 25%
c. Innovation 25%
2. Writing Task - Students will respond to a writing prompt about the fourth SDL disposition of advocacy. 25%
*SDL dispositions can be found on the J. Graham Brown School SDL Framework.
Dates for In-person and Online Survey Sessions
Program Information Sessions
Visit the building and see Brown's K-12 Self-Directed Learning Magnet during a school day. Sessions include a tour tailored for your student's grade level (Elementary, Middle, High), program and admissions information from school administrators, and an opportunity to have your questions answered.
All sessions 8:30-9:45 AM
Thursday November 7, 2024
Monday November 11, 2024
Monday November 25, 2024
Monday December 9, 2024
Wednesday December 18, 2024
No registration or sign up is needed to attend.
*Daytime parking is available at metered spots and the YMCA parking garage at 2nd and Guthrie St. (Parking fees will apply.) Plan your visit.
Projected Openings
View our most updated projected openings at each grade for 2025-26. These projections are subject to change and will be updated frequently.
2024-25 Admissions Numbers
This chart shows the number of first choice applicants that applied to our middle and high school for 2024-25. It also displays how many of those candidates progressed through different admission steps through enrollment. For this admissions cycle, we were able to accept several high school candidates from our second choice and late applicant lists.
These numbers are intended for informational purposes only. Each application year varies in the number of applicants and openings available.

High School Scheduling and Courses
Interested in viewing the courses we offer?
Check out our current High School Scheduling Handbook.
Please contact brian.garrett@jefferson.kyschools.us or jalisa.meaux@jefferson.kyschools.us with questions.