Frequently Asked Questions from Classroom Teachers about ESL

What is ESL?

ESL is English as a Second Language, which is support for students who come from other language backgrounds. The students are known as ELs or English Learners.

How will I know who my students are?

You will be getting a google sheet on each EL student that tells you his or her primary language, country, ACCESS scores, and accommodations for instruction and assessments.

What are accommodations and how will my student get them?

ESL teachers and BAIs (Bilingual Associate Instructors) will make every effort to work with ELs in the regular classroom and/or meet their needs in a pull-out setting. We will typically pull-out students according to their accommodation needs for proficiency assessments. Instructionally, it is the responsibility of ALL stakeholders to ensure that students get their mandated accommodations.

What is ACCESS?

ACCESS is the standardized test all EL students take in January that measures how they are progressing in learning English. Scores range from 1-6. When a student reaches a score of 4.5 overall, they are considered to know English at the level of their peers and exit the ESL program.

My student’s parents do not speak English. How do I communicate with them?

Use Language Line Services to speak with your multilingual families. Our verification code for teachers is 4858387.

I have a conference scheduled with my student’s parents. How do I communicate with them?

Use Language Line Services to speak with your multilingual families. The verification code for teachers is 4858387.