Parent Info

Dear parents we are so happy to share with you our new ESL web page. We created this hub to help you locate different resources, links, websites and others in just one place. Please feel free to look around and explore!

How can my child practice English at home?

  1. When your child is watching TV, encourage them to watch an English program.

  2. When watching and English program use the close captioning or subtitles, this will help your child understand how words are written in English and how they are pronounced.

  3. When watching youtube videos prompt students to turn on the English subtitles.

  4. Write simple words you want your child to learn and motivate them to look for the meaning using google translate or a bilingual dictionary. Make a game out of it!

  5. Label items around your home with English words.

  • Audible

An app that reads books to everyone.

Practice words by trying to draw them as fast as you can.

  • Google Translate APP

Google Translate app is a free application for Android and iOS smartphones and tablets. The app's 500 million users are able to translate between up to 103 languages in a number of ways.