Family Resource Center
9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Monday through Friday
Evening appointments available upon request.
Colby Moore
FRC Coordinator

The FRC is the Family Resource Center (FRC) that serves Cochran Elementary. Family Resource and Youth Service Centers (FRYSC) became part of KERA (Kentucky Education Reform Act) in 1991. Our goal is to assist students and their families in removing barriers to education. We do this by linking families with community resources that assist in times of crisis. We assist students daily by providing school supplies, backpacks, and replacement clothing as needed. Parents can call the center and schedule appointments at the clothes closet or get referrals for assistance with health-related issues.
The FRC also collaborates with faculty and staff to provide education and fun opportunities for our families. We work to keep them informed about what is happening at school and give them different activities to help strengthen their families' bonds.