Dress Code
Cochrane Elementary School recognizes that student dress and grooming are generally a matter of personal choice. However, Cochrane Elementary School also recognizes that there is a relationship between student dress and grooming, and such things as school pride, self-esteem, the safety and general welfare of the students and staff, and the accomplishment of curriculum goals and educational objectives. The standards for elementary school dress reflect “common sense” and a concern for each child’s comfort, safety, cleanliness, and sense of modesty.
Cochrane Elementary School Dress Standards
Clothing should be in good repair, free of rips and tears.
Footwear should ensure the safety of students during regular school activities. Closed toe soft-soled shoes are to be worn on campus at all times. Being shoeless or wearing flip-flops, crocs, or sandals on campus is prohibited.
Pants are to be worn in a fashion that allows students full and active participation in physical education and other regular school activities. “Short shorts”, miniskirts, and spandex are prohibited unless worn under skirts.
The hem of shorts (no less than a 4” inseam) and skirts must be long enough to touch the end of the middle finger when arms are resting at body's side.
Clothing that displays obscene language or symbols are prohibited. Tobacco, alcohol, and/or drugs will not be displayed. Messages or pictures depicting vulgar or discriminatory inferences or messages (implied or stated) will not be acceptable. Any attire related to negative group behavior (gangs, etc.) will not be permitted.
Shirts that show the chest area are not acceptable. The midriff of students will be covered at all times.
Hats, hoods, and bandanas are not to be worn inside the school building (without prior approval).
Other fashion items or trends, which might create disruptions, may also be limited at the school’s discretion.
Any educational distraction due to dress will be addressed on an individual basis. If a student is found in violation of the dress code policy, an effort to notify a parent to bring a change of attire will be made. Thank you for your cooperation and help in the implementation of this dress code.