
Mission Statement

The mission of Coral Ridge Elementary is to provide a nurturing environment where all students will achieve success to their fullest potential.


During the 2007-08 school year, Coral Ridge was one of three schools chosen to implement the Elementary Redesign Initiative, which promotes innovative teaching methods and school design. The initiative redesigned our school in the following ways:

Smaller class sizes (20-to-1 student-teacher ratio)
Full-time instructional coach
Full-time school nurse
Differentiated instruction professional development (PD) for teachers

Laptops for students (Computer-Supported Intentional Learning Environment [CSILE])
Partnership with the University of Louisville (UofL) to host student teachers

Care for Kids

CARE stands for "Creating A Respectful Environment." The program's focus is to build a connected community of learners. CARE for Kids embeds social and emotional learning strategies that can be incorporated throughout the day in all academic classes. Components of CARE include daily morning classroom meetings that set the tone for respectful learning and establish a climate of trust; end-of-the-day meetings in which students share something they have learned or enjoyed that day; regular class meetings that encourage students and teachers to reflect, solve problems, and make group decisions; cross-age buddies to support and interact with other students in the school to develop a whole school community; and developmental discipline that focuses on proactive intervention strategies and moving students toward self-control and responsibility.

Curricular Programs

Activities and Programs

  • Academic Teams (Written Assessment, Quick Recall, and Future Problem Solvers)

  • Advance Program (4th/5th)

  • Band/Orchestra (4th/5th Grade)

  • Basketball (3rd-5th Grade)

  • Cheerleading (3rd-5th)

  • Choir

  • Cross Country

  • Family Involvement Activities

  • Soccer (3rd-5th Grade) & Skills Clinic (K-2)

  • Step Team

  • STLP

  • Student Council

  • Walking Club