Weekly Email 8/23/24

Fall 2024 Open House

You are cordially invited to the Eastern 2024 Fall Open House on Wednesday, September 4 at 6:00pm.

  • Welcome by Dr. Orman and the Administrative Team

  • PTSA General Meeting

  • Follow your student’s daily schedule

  • Meet your student’s teachers

You can go to parent portal to see your student’s teachers and schedule. If you have difficulty accessing parent portal, please contact Jennifer Williams at jennifer.williams3@jefferson.kyschools.us.

Information from the School Treasurer

  • Class Fee Invoices:

    • Class fee invoices will be issued through MySchoolBucks.com in late September. Updated

      information will be sent via this newsletter.

    • Information About Applying for Fee Waiver Status

      Fee waiver status of free or reduced may cover class fees and/or ACT/SAT testing fees.

    • Extracurricular activities are not covered.

    • The link to apply for Fee Waiver status is https://www.myschoolapps.com/. You must first apply to

      have any fees exempted. If you have any questions during the application process, then you will

      need to contact School and Community Services .

      Once you receive your approval letter from school and community services, then the following

      Instructional Fee Waiver Request Form needs to be completed. You may email this form, once

      approved, to the school treasurer - laura.spalding@jefferson.kyschools.us or send it in with your

      student to deliver to the school treasurer’s office located in student services.

      We, at the school level, do not have any control over the approval process; those questions need to

      be addressed with School and Community Services.

Family Scholar House (For Students that have not Reported to School)

Beginning the first week of school, JCPS families of students who do not report to their assigned school within the first few days of school may receive a check-in call from Family Scholar House staff. JCPS has partnered with Family Scholar House to learn about any possible barriers that may be preventing students from attending. Your information is safe with them! We are working together to support JCPS students!

Eastern High School SBDM Elections

Eastern High School PTSA will hold the annual parent member election for Eastern High School SBDM School Council on Wednesday, September 4, 2024.


    • What is the Site Based Decision Making Council? The council is the governing body for our school. It

      determines school policy for curriculum, staffing, discipline, scheduling, instructional practices,

      extra-curricular activities and other matters pertinent to the operation of the school.

    • The council

      meets monthly.

    • Parent members are elected to a 2 year term. A parent must have a student attending Eastern High

      School during School years 2024-2025 and 2025-2026. One parent member will be elected to the

      SBDM Council during this time.

    • Email the PTSA if you are interested. Deadline is Wednesday August 28, 2024. Email

      easternhighptsa@gmail.com Please, be certain to include Eastern High School/SBDM in the

      subject line to receive a receipt confirmation You may nominate yourself or another parent only if

      you have that parent’s consent.

    • Nominations from the floor will not be permitted.

District Mandated Suicide Prevention

The District Mandated Suicide Prevention training will take place on Wednesday, September 4th, during 3rd period. All students MUST receive this training.

For more information about Childhood and Teen Depression, please see the parent handbook below: