
At Eisenhower Elementary, we are Learners! Leaders! EAGLES! We provide opportunities for all students to help them acquire the necessary academic and social skills to become productive citizens. Our school offers a safe and nurturing environment that supports success for all students while promoting high expectations for learning and behavior. 

School Hours

9:40 a.m. to 4:20 p.m.

There is no adult supervision until 8:30 a.m. If a student is eating breakfast at school, the student must arrive in time to eat and be out of the cafeteria and in the classroom by 9:40 a.m.


Principal's Message

Dear Students and Families,

My name is Conni Jo Strange, and I am honored to serve as the principal of Eisenhower Elementary. I was raised only a few blocks from Eisenhower, and I continue to live in Southwest Jefferson County. I take pride in our neighborhood and community, and I am honored to lead a school that is known for its standard of excellence.

I am confident that Eisenhower students are equipped with the critical academic and social skills necessary for middle school, high school, and beyond. We provide a safe and nurturing learning environment for students, cultivating their individual potential for success.

Not only is Eisenhower known for providing a rigorous education with high expectations, but we are also recognized throughout the community as a school that welcomes our families as partners. Being involved in your child's learning experiences is critical to his or her success and has a positive effect on your child's school progress. In order to be an active participant in the success of your child and our school, I encourage you to seek out opportunities to volunteer at Eisenhower, join the Parent Teacher Association (PTA), stay in open communication with your child's teacher, and attend school functions. Your family is always welcome here!

Proud to be an Eagle,

Conni Jo Strange, Principal

Important Information


All visitors are required to sign in at the office. They will be issued a visitor badge. We welcome visitors, but we must ensure the safety of our students.


Any students arriving after 9 a.m. should report to the office before going to the classroom. Tardiness does count against a child's having perfect attendance. Students who are checked out of school before the end of the day must also be counted as tardy on attendance records.

Early Dismissal

We encourage you to try to schedule your child's doctor and dental appointments around school hours. If this is not possible, you must come to the office first to check your child out of school. No child will be released directly from the classroom. If a parent knows that a child will be leaving early, a note to the teacher would be greatly appreciated. No student is to leave the grounds without permission from the principal's office.

Temporary Bus/Other Transportation Procedures

At any time when a student is to go home by means other than his or her regular routine, the student must have written permission signed by the parent/guardian and approved by the principal designee.


All medicines, including over-the-counter medicine, cannot be administered by the school without a form signed by the parent. Prescribed medication also requires a form signed by the parent before the medication can be administered by school staff. The medication and form must be filed in the school office.


If your child is injured at school, we will make him or her comfortable and then call you immediately. If you cannot be reached, we will attempt to contact the emergency number that you listed on the enrollment form. EMS will be called in extreme emergencies. Please be sure that the school office has an emergency number in addition to your home/work phone number so that in case of illness or emergency, we will know how to contact you.


Parent-teacher conferences are held twice a year in the fall and late winter. Please make every effort to attend them. Parents are encouraged to conference with the teacher at any time throughout the year. An appointment may be made by leaving a message for the teacher at the office or in writing.

School Lunch and Breakfast Program

Breakfast and lunch are served in our school's cafeteria. All meals are free of charge for students at Eisenhower Elementary.


Technology is an integral part of Eisenhower Elementary School. We are leading the way by equipping our staff with the skills to be 21st-century teacher leaders. We are doing this by ensuring that each teacher is Google Certified. Within our building, we are 2:1 with Chromebooks and have Smart screens in our classrooms. Our classrooms also have five or more workstations, and there are many sets of iPads that travel through the building to enhance students' learning. Eisenhower is very proud to be using Google Classroom throughout the school to allow students to become digital learners.