Journey to Success

What is It?

JCPS Backpack is a digital platform for students to enter pictures, video and a written reflection of what they have learned in five key areas:

Prepared & Resilient Learner

  • Prepared - to make ready beforehand; to plan in advance

  • Resilient - able to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions

Possible Examples: pieces that required detailed planning, pieces that posed difficult challenges that you identified & overcame

Guiding Question: How does this Artifact prove that you are a Prepared & Resilient Learner?

What does it mean

  • Demonstrates knowledge of content skills & standards

  • Applies content knowledge to real world contexts and in interdisciplinary ways

  • Reflects on successes and challenges and makes appropriate adjustments in order to meet academic, personal, and professional goals

  • Employs organizational and project management skills to achieve academic, personal and professional growth

  • Sets personal goals for transition readiness, explores post-secondary options, and takes actionable steps toward realizing both

Globally and Culturally Competent Citizen

  • Culturally Competent - the ability to understand, communicate with and effectively interact with people across cultures.

  • Citizen - a recognized, official member of an organized group (ex. country); has rights & responsibilities.

Possible Examples: pieces that show that you understand & appreciate people of varying backgrounds, pieces that show that you are a part of the world community

Guiding Question: How does this Artifact provide evidence that you are a Globally & Culturally Competent Citizen?

What does it mean

  • Explores community and global issues from the perspectives of those most impacted and creates actionable solutions

  • Employs democratic processes to come to decisions and solutions

  • Compassionate and empathetic toward others

  • Promotes a sense of belonging for others

  • Respects different cultures, perspectives, and beliefs

Emerging Innovator

  • Emerging - becoming apparent and important Innovator - someone who makes changes / does things in a new way

Possible Examples: pieces that how imaginative or inventive thinking, pieces that address a problem in a new and/or promising way

Guiding Question: How does this Artifact prove that you are an Emerging Innovator?

What does it mean

  • Employs a sense of curiosity and inquiry; seeks to learn

  • Asks questions to extend, challenge, and clarify the thinking of self and others

  • Applies a design process (e.g. research, ideation, modeling, prototyping and testing) to create new solutions, products and processes

  • Uses relevant information and feedback to continually improve solutions, products, and processes

  • Takes appropriate risks, and makes adjustments based on successes and failures

Effective Communicator

  • Effective - produces a desired effect; impressive

  • Communicator - a person who conveys or knowledge to others

Possible Examples: pieces that reveal how you pass on information to others in an effective way, pieces that catch and hold the attention of the intended audience, pieces that show that you know what you are talking about

Guiding Question: How does this Artifact provide evidence that you are an Effective Communicator?

What does it mean

  • Uses appropriate conventions and evidence to convey ideas clearly in writing, verbally, digitally and visually

  • Adapts message to purpose and needs of the audience

  • Uses discipline-specific writing conventions, formats, and vocabulary to communicate ideas

  • Uses technology effectively and responsibly

Productive Collaborator

  • Productive - effectively yields results; gets the job done

  • Collaborator - someone who works with another person or group

Possible Examples: pieces/projects completed with a partner or group, pieces where teamwork led to successful outcomes, Reflection pieces that identify the benefits and/or challenges that come with sharing a workload

Guiding Question: How does this Artifact prove that you are a Productive Collaborator?

What does it mean

  • Works effectively with diverse groups to accomplish a common goal

  • Gives and receives meaningful feedback

  • Assumes personal responsibility for team outcomes

  • Actively listens to understand others’ ideas and perspectives

Adding Artifacts to the Backpack

Login to Google Drive

  1. Click on the Waffle (nine squares) near the top right side of the screen

  2. Select “More” from the bottom of the dropdown box 4. Click on the Backpack icon

  3. Click on “My Skills Folders” under the backpack image on the left side of the screen

  4. Click on “Add Item”

  5. Click “Pick Items” and select the file (Artifact) you wish to upload to your Backpack 8. Choose the Skills Folder in which you wish