
Lion logo


(Lassiter's ideal state)

Where EACH student is supported in achieving their full potential and diversity is valued!


(How we achieve our vision)

We achieve our vision through:

  • Equitable access in instruction and personalized supports for EACH student

  • Consistent implementation and accountability to systems and expectations.

    • Our supports are equally as great, if not higher, than our expectations

  • Relevance in curriculum, staffing, and athletics & extracurriculars

  • Creating connections to life after middle school for our students by exploring their interests and fostering their transition to high school

Every Interaction Matters Lassiter Middle School logo


(Lassiter's Big Rocks)


No matter how grand or small it may seem, every interaction we have with each other has lasting impact. We must do all that we can to make sure that impact is a positive one. 

Present * Ready * Involved * Dependable * Empower. Every Interaction Matters Lassiter Middle School logo

PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports) Student Focus

Lassiter Lions have Lion PRIDE. 

At Lassiter Middle School we ask our student to:

Be Present

Be Ready

Be Involved

Be Dependable


Empower Others