To Do List

Senior Backpack Defense To Do List:

  1. Upload/Label/Reflect on at Least 2 artifacts per success skill to the Student Backpack. Total of 12!

  2. Create a Showcase in the backpack area.

  3. Link the 2 artifacts per success skill into the categories of the Showcase. Total of 12 (Same as the ones in the Backpack!)

  4. Choose the best 3 artifacts to "Defend" during the student presentation (1 must be from the School Signature area).

  5. Read through the Senior Defense slide deck at the bottom of this page! Links, Rubrics, Videos, and Instructions can be found there!! - If you ignore these directions you will need to redo your defense

  6. Complete the Backpack Overview Sheet - Linked Here (Make a Copy).

  7. Upload Completed Backpack Overview Sheet to the Showcase in the School Signature area.

  8. Complete the 1 Page Minimum Backpack Reflection Prompt - Linked Here.

  9. Upload Completed Backpack Reflection to the Showcase in the School Signature Area.

  10. Create a Google Slides presentation using the rubric.  Click Here for the force-copy slide template you MUST use. 

  11. Attach that presentation to the Showcase - Instructions for this in the Slide Deck below.

  12. Schedule your Backpack Defense using the Sign-Up Genius Link on the Main Backpack Page or the Schedule page. 

  13. Show up on time prepared to Present and Defend your Backpack!

  14. Jump for Joy when you get an Amazing Score that will be a mastery grade in every class because you followed all the directions!