the back of a school bus in front of a blue sky

The Jefferson County Board of Education has approved the return of bus service for students at the following schools:

  • All students: Coleridge-Taylor Elementary, Young Elementary, and Johnson Traditional Middle.

  • Students who directly qualify for free and reduced lunch: Butler Traditional, duPont Manual, and Louisville Male.

To request bus service for your eligible child, complete the Transportation Verification form in the online Transportation Portal between Monday, February 10 and Friday, February 14. The deadline to sign up is 11:59 p.m. on Friday, February 14th. Failure to complete the form by this deadline will result in your child not receiving bus service.

Eligibility Details

All students currently enrolled at Coleridge-Taylor Elementary, Young Elementary, and Johnson Traditional Middle Schools are eligible for JCPS bus transportation.

Students currently enrolled at Butler Traditional, Louisville Male, and duPont Manual High Schools are eligible for JCPS transportation if they directly qualify for Free and Reduced Lunch (FRL) benefits. 

FRL Eligibility Guidelines

You do not need to complete an Educational Benefits Form if your student is Directly Certified for free meals.

All students at every school in JCPS receive free lunches, regardless of family income, through a special waiver from the USDA’s National School Lunch Program. However, not all students directly qualify for free and reduced lunch benefits under federal guidelines. 

If your Manual, Male, or Butler student directly qualifies for Free and Reduced Lunch benefits and you have filled out the Educational Benefits Form this school year, they are eligible for JCPS transportation. 

If your student is not directly certified for free eligibility, you must fill out the Educational Benefits Form to determine your child's eligibility for free or reduced-price meals. Completing the form does not guarantee eligibility for JCPS transportation.

If you have questions about Free or Reduced Lunch eligibility, contact the JCPS Nutrition Services department directly at (502) 485-6237 or (502) 485-3986.

Sign Up Using the Transportation Portal

You have until 11:59 p.m. on Friday, February 14, to complete the Transportation Verification form in the online Transportation Portal. Filling out this form will help JCPS determine your child’s eligibility and route a bus stop for your student if they are eligible for transportation. Failure to complete the form by this deadline will result in your child not receiving bus service.

How to Sign Up

  1. Visit the Transportation Portal.

  2. Click "Login Parent by Email or Phone Number" and enter your information.

  3. Complete the Transportation Verification form. You must check the box allowing JCPS to access your child's free and reduced lunch status. Without this, your form cannot be processed.

  4. Eligible students will have a bus routed and a bus stop assigned to pick them up and drop them off. 

Reminder: All Coleridge-Taylor, Young, and Johnson students will be eligible for bus service. Only students who directly qualify for free and reduced lunch at Butler, Manual, and Male will be eligible.

Transportation Timeline

Bus Stop Assignment: Bus stops are expected to be assigned in late February. JCPS will send out additional information when bus stops are available. 

First Day of Bus Service: The first day of reinstated bus service is anticipated to be March 17, 2025. JCPS will send out additional information when the confirmed restoration date is official. 


If eligible families at the six schools choose to use JCPS bus transportation and currently receive a stipend, they will no longer receive the stipend once bus transportation is restored for their child.


Please contact your student's school.