Magnet Applications: FAQs
How do you decide who is accepted?
We use a rubric measuring three things:
-Days absent from school
-Conduct grades
These three data points are put into a rubric. Each eligible application then receives a rubric score from 2.5-10. We rank all applications in order of that rubric score, and accept students in the order they are listed.
What is the rubric? How are points determined?
Scored Element | Points |
Grades (all of 4th grade and first 1/2 of 5th grade) | |
3.85-4.0 | 4 |
3.70-3.84 | 3.5 |
3.55-3.69 | 3 |
3.40-3.54 | 2.5 |
3.28-3.39 | 2 |
3.20-3.27 | 1.5 |
Absent Days (all of 4th grade and first 1/2 of 5th grade) | |
0-6 | 2 |
7-10 | 1.5 |
11-14 | 1 |
15-18 | .5 |
Over 18 | 0 |
Conduct/Work/Study Habits (all of 4th grade and first 1/2 of 5th grade | |
All 4s | 4 |
Mostly 4s with some 3s | 3.5 |
Mostly 3s with some 4s | 3 |
All 3s | 2.5 |
Any 2s or mostly 2s with some 1s | 5 |
Mostly 1s or all 1s | 1 |
Which magnet is easier to get into? Which one should I apply to?
One magnet is not easier to get into than the other. Applications for both programs are compiled into one large list. They are evaluated using the same rubric and ranked in order, regardless of program.
Should I list one Noe magnet as my 1st choice and the other Noe magnet as my 2nd choice?
We will not get to our list of 2nd choices so we will not see that you listed us as your 2nd choice.
My student is GT but also is interested in the arts. Which magnet should they apply for?
Most of our students are interested in both of our magnet programs. Due to our hand-scheduling, we are able to offer all of our magnet students the opportunity to take a VPA related arts class as well as core content classes with a GT focus.
If my student applies for the VPA magnet, will they still get their GT services?
Absolutely! We ensure that all students with a GSSP receive their required services and programming.
Can I come get an application from the school?
Applications are online only. You can apply through the JCPS website.
My student is currently at a JCPS school. How should I send you their GPA/attendance/conduct grades?
If your student is currently at a JCPS school, we will automatically receive all the information we need when you click the button to submit your application. The system does it all for you!
Do we need to submit anything else like a letter of recommendation or do anything else like an audition?
Nope! We don't take letters of recommendation, auditions, or anything else. Just the online JCPS application.
I applied for my student, and it says to contact the school for additional materials. What do you need?
That's an automated response. There are no additional materials we need.
But I really want to submit a letter of recommendation!
We understand, but we won't look at anything that is not part of our rubric.
I'm worried you don't have something that you need.
If we are missing necessary data for our rubric, we will reach out to you.
I'm applying from outside JCPS. What do I need to do?
You should first register with the JCPS application process, and fill out the application. We will need your student's grades, attendance, and conduct grades from your current school. If your student's current school doesn't give conduct grades, we will accept a letter of recommendation in lieu of a grade. If your student is applying for our GT magnet, your student will need to be labeled GT already or have a qualifying score on one of the placement tests (the Naglieri test is the most common one given). If you are in this situation and have questions, please reach to our Assistant Principal in charge of magnet applications, Scott Wade (
When will we hear from you?
Our goal is to mail out all acceptance letters by the end of February. If you are not accepted, your name will automatically roll over to your 2nd choice school (if you listed one).
I still have a question!
If you have a question not answered here, please reach to our Assistant Principal in charge of magnet applications, Scott Wade (