Peace Academy

Peace Academy is the school for children at UofL Peace Hospital

  • Population served: Boys and girls ages 4 to 21 (preschool through grade 12)

  • Specific Characteristics: Children in need of acute/long-term care in a hospital setting

  • Average Length of Stay: Varies

School Program

The program is designed to provide continued instruction for school-age children while they are patients at the hospital. Our primary goals are:

  • To allow students to keep up with the classwork they are missing in their home school.

  • To improve each student’s self-concept through legitimate success experiences.

  • To improve academic functioning through appropriate individualized and group educational programs based on the Kentucky Core Academic Standards.

  • To improve interpersonal and social functioning through participation in focus classes.

  • To improve self-control through accountability for behavior.

  • To improve attitudes toward authority through constructive relationships with positive adult role models.

The faculty works closely with the medical staff to ensure that treatment programs include school behavior and academic remediation and that educational considerations are made when students are discharged. Close contact is maintained with the home school to ensure that no major lapses occur in the curriculum and to provide the school with assessment data and strategies that will help them provide a successful re-entry into school.

Referral Process

Referrals are made by the Department of Juvenile Justice, parents, social workers, and counselors and either private or state agencies, and students are admitted to the hospital on doctor’s orders.

2020 Newburg Road
Louisville, Kentucky 40205
Phone: (502) 479-4180
Fax: (502) 479-4143

Peace Academy