The STAR Center is available to all children, parents, guardians, and families in the community. We are the place to come if your child needs school supplies or a change of clothing due to a mishap. We also sponsor a lot of family activities throughout the year, among these are: Back to School Ready Fest, Family Art Night, Family Reading Night, and the Talent Show. We act as a source for community resources for all types of needs and services.
The center provides either direct services or referrals to other agencies. Family Resource Centers help with the emotional, physical, social and educational needs of all members of the family. We love to have parents, grandparents and guardians help out at our various events.
Look for the monthly calendar that we send home at the end of each month. You will find all the school related activities on it. If you see something you would like to help out with, please give us a call at 933-0724 or stop by Room 112A. Center hours are by appointment.
Star Center