Family Resource Center
Debbie Hancox, Coordinator
(502) 313-4533
Hours of operation:
Monday–Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., or by appointment
The Family Resource and Youth Services Center (FRYSC) Program mission is to enhance students' abilities to succeed in school by developing and sustaining partnerships that promote:
Early learning and successful transition into school.
Academic achievement and well-being.
Graduation and transition into adult life.
Our goal is to partner with and support families to remove barriers to education and promote academic success. Specifically we aim to:
Improve attendance
Decrease behavior/suspension issues
Increase academic support
Improve physical/mental health
Improve parent relations, support, and assistance
Family Resource and Youth Services Centers (FRYSCs) are a statewide program. All Elementary Familiy Resource Centers (FRCs) address:
Preschool childcare
After-school and summer programming
New and expectant parent support
Family literacy services
Health services
The Slaughter FRC can support you in many ways, including the following:
Mentoring and student leadership programs
Extracurricular program support—Basketball, soccer, etc.
Healthy Snack Attack coordination
After-school and summer program information
Academic support and tutoring information
Clothes closet
Basic needs and holiday assistance
Volunteer coordination
General Educational Development (GED) support
Job-seeking assistance
Childcare information
Health screenings
Parent involvement opportunities
Lend a Helping Hand
We need a helping hand! If you are able to donate any of the following items (new or gently used), please bring to Slaughter Elementary.
Tennis Shoes—Child sizes 12, 13, 13.5; Adult sizes 1, 1.5, 2, 3, and 4.
Boys and Girls Uniform Pants—all youth sizes
Boys and Girls solid color polo shirts—all youth sizes
Helpful Phone Numbers
Metro United Way Information Line
Centerstone Crisis and Information Line
589-4313 or TDD: 589-4259
Community Coordinated Child Care (4C)
Metro Call
JCPS Parent Assistance Center
Thomas Jefferson Neighborhood Place
1503 Rangeland Rd. 40219
JCPS ESL Intake Center
1325 Bluegrass Ave. 40215
JCPS Student Assignment Office