Clubs and Student Organizations
Please contact the sponsor directly for questions about activities. Staff member email address can be found in the staff directory. Non-Southern staff members' emails are linked here.
Academic Cup Coordinator- Mr. Pollitt year-long
Academic Team- Mr. Pollitt year-long
Arabic Club (no current sponsor)
Art Club- Mr. Knight and Ms. Kiewel year-long : Mondays in room 140 from 3:25-4:30pm
Best Buddies (no current sponsor)
Beta Club- Mrs. Blount and Mr. Thomas
Big Brothers Big Sisters- Ms. Schweinhart year-long
Black Student Union- Dr. Walker year-long : Wednesdays in room 152 from 3:20-4:00pm
Book Club- Mrs. Robinson year-long : Wednesdays in the library from 8:00-8:30am
Chess Club- Ms. D. Thompson : Thursdays from 3:30-4:30
Co-Op: Mr. Watson year-long
Class Act Federal Credit Union: Ms. Boyd year-long
Class Sponsors (9th): Ms. Newcom, Ms. Marples year-long
Class Sponsors (10th): Ms. Sharp, Dr. Ransan year-long
Class Sponsors (11th): Ms. Lee, Ms. Western year-long
Class Sponsors (12th): Ms. Strobel, Ms. Mize, Mr. Woodard year-long
Drama: Mr. Pollitt Spring
ESS: Ms. Lawrence January and Summer School
Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA)- Mrs. Goldsmith year-long, Wednesday mornings in the library from 8:15-8:35am
Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA)- Mr. Laha Year-round
Garden Club (no current sponsor)
GSA: Ms. Lamb and Ms. Junkins : Wednesdays from 3:20-4:00pm
HOSA: Dr. Walker year-long : Thursdays in room 152 from 3:20-4:00pm
JROTC Color Guard, Drill Team, and Rifle Team: 1st Sgt. Scalese, Sgt. Oliver Fall
Justice Now: Ms. Lee and Mrs. Weilbacher-Fox : Thursdays from 3:20-4:00pm
Key Club: Ms. Roberts year-long
Marching Band: Mr. Simpson Fall
Men of Quality: Mr. Hatchett year-long
Muslim Student Association: Ms. Bojic year-long
National Honor Society: Ms. Blount and Mr. Thomas year-long
Newspaper (no current sponsor)
Orchestra: Dr. Dunn, during the school day
Quick Recall: Mr. Pollitt Fall
Red Cross: Dr. Walker and Ms. Reece year-round
Skills USA: Mr. Blythe and Mr. Adkins year-round
Sources of Strength (by invitation only): Mrs. Lewis
STLP: Ms. Cox year-round : Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8:00am
Student Library Advisory Council: Ms. Robinson year-round : First Monday of every month in the library from 3:30-4:30pm
Yearbook: Ms. Rose year-round