School-Based Decision Making (SBDM) Council
SBDM Council Members
Rachel Works, Principal
Kaitlyn Cochran, Teacher
Kay Eskridge, Parent
Tiffany Johnson, Teacher
Bethany McMillan, Parent
Kerri Wilkinson, Teacher
SBDM Council Meeting Information
The SBDM Council at Tully is responsible for setting school policy in various areas to enhance student achievement and to help the school meet its educational goals. The regular council meetings are usually held the third Thursday of each month in the large conference room at 2:20 p.m. Noncouncil members may recommend items for the agenda by contacting a council member five days in advance of a meeting. The person making the recommendation must attend the council meetings when the item is addressed. Recent agendas and minutes are posted on the SBDM bulletin board inside the school office. A binder of past and present SBDM minutes is kept in the office and may be viewed during school hours. Besides serving on the SBDM Council, parents are solicited to serve on various school committees. The standing committees, whose meetings are usually held the second week of each month, are listed below. When needed, the SBDM Council can form additional short-term committees. All meetings are open to the public. Additionally, scheduled meetings and/or canceled meetings for these committees will be published in Dateline and/or posted on the SBDM bulletin board in the front office. All before- and after-school activities, including committee meetings, are canceled in the event of a snow day.
SBDM Council Minutes
Recent agendas and minutes are posted on the SBDM bulletin board inside the school office. A binder of past and present SBDM minutes is kept in the school library and may be viewed during school hours.
Tully SBDM Committees
Academic Performance Committee
Academic Performance includes ad hoc committee of Journey to Success.
Efficiency and Organization Committee
The Efficiency and Organization Committee oversees budget, needs assessment and resource allocations.
Learning Environment
Learning Environment includes ad hoc committees of Racial Equity and Culture and Climate.