Counselors' Corner

Atherton High School Counselors' Corner

The Atherton High School Counseling Office is a Nationally Recognized ASCA Model Program

The programs offered are based on data-informed decision making, are delivered to all students systematically, include a developmentally appropriate curriculum focused on the mindsets and behaviors all students need for postsecondary readiness and success, closes achievement and opportunity gaps, and results in improved student achievement, attendance and discipline.

School Counseling Vision Statement:

Students will graduate as prepared, globally competent citizens who are productive communicators who can respond to challenges, and are empowered to be open-minded, responsible citizens of our diverse, shared world. 

School Counseling Mission Statement: 

The mission of the Atherton counseling program is to partner with educators, parents, and community members to remove barriers to student success and effectively provide access to support the academic, career, personal and social development of all students. The counseling department, through the use of data-informed interventions, will promote racial equity, improve academic success and foster social growth in all students currently and beyond to make a difference locally and globally.

Mrs. Mullennex

Mrs. Mullennex


Email Mrs. Mullennex 

Media Arts Academy Students

Non-Academy Students in Grades 10-12 Last Names U-Z

Sophomore Class Counselor

Appointment Link

Mrs. Medley

Mrs. Medley


Email Mrs. Medley

Non-Academy Students in Grades 10-12 Last Names A-K 

IB Diploma Candidates

National Merit

Senior Class Events

Scholarship Coordinator

College Visits

Appointment Link 

Mrs. Swanson

Mrs. Swanson


Email Mrs. Swanson

Health Science Academy Students

Non-Academy Students in Grades 10-12 Last Names R-T

Foreign Exchange Students

Junior Class Counselor


UPS School to Work/School at Work

Appointment Link

Mrs. Belcher

Mrs. Belcher


Email Mrs. Belcher

Engineering Academy Students

Non-Academy Students in Grades 10-12 Last Names L-Q

EL Students

Senior Class Counselor

Appointment Link