J. B. Atkinson Academy has a dress code that is designed to do the following:

  • Make certain all students are comfortable, safe, and ready to learn

  • Teach students the value of dressing appropriately for different occasions

  • Help students develop a sense of pride in their appearance

  • Enable students to participate in all activities that they may encounter throughout the day

  • Reduce distractions in the classroom for the student and his or her classmates

To accomplish this, the following dress code rules apply:

  • Students are expected to wear comfortable shoes that cover their toes. (No sandals, no flip-flops, no high heals, and no “heelies” are allowed.)

  • No spaghetti-strap tops or tops that show the student’s stomach area

  • Pants must be worn at the student’s waist. Students will not be allowed to wear pants that sag.

  • No hoodies or coats worn in the classroom—students are expected to hang up their coats and hoodies when they enter the classroom.

  • No advertisements for tobacco, alcohol, firearms, violence, or inappropriate language

  • No wigs, hats, or head wear that may cause a distraction