Phone: (502) 485-8021
Fax: (502) 587-7267
Family Resource Center (FRC) Hours: Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
What is the FRC?
The Family Resource and Youth Services Center (FRYSC) Program was established by the Kentucky Education Reform Act (KERA) in 1990. The primary goal of FRYSCs is to remove barriers to students' learning. The Engelhard Elementary FRC was created to provide information and/or referrals to families in the Engelhard Elementary community.
Program Mission
The FRC is a valuable part of the team at Engelhard Elementary School. The FRC is dedicated to seeing that each student has the resources he or she needs for academic success. This is accomplished through providing direct services as well as making referrals to community agencies. The FRC is committed to building partnerships for effective change with students, their families, and community members/volunteers.
There are many barriers that can get in the way of a student's success in school, so the center works to ensure that needed resources and support are made available in order to remove any obstacles. The center also strives to provide an inviting, warm atmosphere where parents can feel comfortable and confident in taking an active part in the school and in the life of their child. By working together, the center and families can replace educational barriers with bridges of opportunity and success.
Available Services and Referrals
Some of the services that the Engelhard FRC can provide or refer are as follows:
Parent Support Workshops
Family Events
Transition Programs (Kindergarten and Middle School)
Adult Education and General Educational Development (GED) Referrals
Information on Prenatal and Birth to 3 Years Old
Summer Activities/Camp Information
Attendance Support
Neighborhood Place Referrals
Referrals for Basic Needs
Home Visits
Free and Reduced-Price Meal Assistance
Every 1 Reads
Seven Counties Services, Inc.
Health and Dental Referrals