I am thankful and honored to be the principal of Engelhard Elementary School. I am eager to serve Engelhard’s students, families, staff and the community.
I am a native of Louisville and a graduate of Eastern High School. I earned my bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education from Kentucky State University, my master’s degree in Educational Leadership from the University of Kentucky and my doctorate degree in Leadership Education from Spalding University. I taught at Watterson Elementary School prior to becoming the assistant principal at Blake Elementary School where I served for three years.
I look forward to working with the entire school community. The focus of our decision-making must be what is best for students. By working together, we can take Engelhard to greater heights and ensure all students have an opportunity to achieve their highest potential.
I value spending time with my family. My wife, Kortney, and I have three children (Raegan, Ryleigh, and Ryan Jr.). We enjoy spending time together and doing activities as a family.
Ryan McCoy, Principal

From the Principal

Assistant Principal
Michelle Rowan, Assistant Principal

Malia Gibson, Counselor
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Can you provide contact information for Louisville community resources so I can access services for my child? Click here.
Can you provide contact information for JCPS resources so I can access services for my child? Click here.
What support services are available at Engelhard Elementary School?
Support Services
Family Resource and Youth Services Center (FRYSC)
Extended School Services (ESS)
Clothes Closet
Exceptional Child Education (ECE) Services
Teacher Assistance Teams (TAT)
Reading Recovery
Seven Counties Services, Inc.—School-Based Services
English as a Second Language (ESL) Services
After-School Tutoring
Home-School Coordinator
Career Planner Tutoring
Advance Program Courses
Career Planner

What specific services are available through my child’s counselor?
Counselor Services
Peer Mediation
Classroom Guidance
Individual Counseling
Group Counseling
Test Result Interpretation
Character Education
Transition Services
Conflict Resolution
Referrals to Outside Agencies
Drug Prevention Program
Advance Program Testing
Parent Night
Family Fun Nights
Counselor Newsletter
Parent/Student/Teacher Liaison
Anger-Management Counseling
Academic Counseling
Testing Information
Awards Program
Testing Information
ECE Services
Teacher/Parent Assistance
What is the best way to talk with my child’s counselor?
A parent should set up an appointment to see his or her child’s counselor by phone, e-mail, fax, or letter.
What is the best way for my child to talk with his or her counselor?
The best way is for students to make an appointment with clerical staff and the counselor through the Counseling Office. If it is an emergency, they should contact a teacher or general office staff member immediately and let them know of their need to see their counselor.
What else can I learn about the services and programs offered by JCPS?
This link accesses the JCPS homepage, which has information on a variety of JCPS programs and departments.
Is there a general K–12 Web site for me to access counselor-related information?
This link is to the JCPS counselor Web pages. This link will allow you to access information regarding curriculum, enrollment, health/immunizations, testing, grading procedures, special programs, college/career information, and community resources.
I am able to help with many concerns that you may have about your child’s educational or emotional needs. Please feel free to contact me. I look forward to being of service to you and your child.