Frayser Elementary was first named the 9th and O Street School, District #75 (est. 1909). In 1925, more than 200 people petitioned to have the school named after Nannie Lee Frayser. At that time, it was common practice to name schools after politicians, but our school was named after Ms. Frayser because of her devotion to education and children.
Ms. Frayser was an educator and a well loved story teller. She worked as an educator in both public and religious schools. She spent time traveling nationally as a story teller and lecturer. During World War Ⅰ, she spent time entertaining soldiers in camps and hospitals with her stories. She took part in civil movements in Louisville and was active in the work of the Broadway Methodist Church. She was a leader in the King's Daughters, Red Cross, and the Kentucky Sunday School Association.
Frayser Elementary first opened its doors in September 1909 as a county school called the 9th and O Street School, District #75.
In March 1922, the school was annexed to the City of Louisville (which officially took charge from the county in May 1922). Then it was a two-room school with six teachers.
The first Parent Teacher Association (PTA) was organized in 1924. The PTA had community suppers and used raised funds to buy electric lights for the school.
In 1925, the 9th and O Street School, District #75, changed its name to Nannie Lee Frayser Elementary. Initially, there was some opposition to the change by the school board, but after 200 people in the community signed a petition, the name change was approved.
On September 22, 1931, excavation was started on a new building for Frayser Elementary. Work was completed and the doors opened on November 7, 1932. The new building contained 15 classrooms, a kindergarten suite, a library, a gym, a cafeteria, general and private offices, a medical suite, teachers' rooms, and shower rooms—all built for $244,378.70. Students between kindergarten and eighth grade attended the school at that time, and on the day that the new building opened, Elma Kohnhorst, the school's principal, and her staff walked the students from the old building to the new building.
The new building was officially dedicated on Wednesday, February 15, 1933, by Frederick Archer, superintendent, and Edward Gottschalk, Board of Education president.
Work began in 1951 to add 12 classrooms to the school. The addition was completed in 1953 for a total cost of $279,728.
In 2009, much of Frayser was renovated. A new cafeteria was built, and the old cafeteria was redesigned and converted to a library. Many of the classrooms were updated, and the gym floor was replaced.
The Frayser Elementary School family is committed to developing the whole child, empowering our leaders to find their genius, and ensuring high academic achievement and growth for all.
All Frayser students will transition ready to lead academically and socially as global citizens.
We believe that academically excellent classrooms and schools are: challenging for all students; able to provide the necessary resources for students to meet rigorous academic standards; able to recognize developmental stages of growth in students' abilities to think concretely and in more abstract and complex ways.
We believe that developmentally responsive classrooms and schools are: stable, nurturing, and mutually respectful; able to support intellectual, emotional, and social growth; supportive of independent inquiry and opportunities to make decisions about learning; cooperative with parents and deeply embedded in their communities.
We believe that social; equitable, and ethical classrooms and schools are: committed to helping all students produce high-quality work; academically challenging with high expectations; staffed with highly competent teachers; culturally diverse and appreciative of all cultures; committed to the education of every child, regardless of race, class, gender, or hardship; able to engage the community in supporting all students.
At Frayser Elementary, we believe, "Together, We Can Do It!”
English Language Learners
As part of our English Language Learners (ELL) Program, Frayser has three certified ELD teachers and two bilingual instructors assisting students who speak other languages. Currently, our student body represents 20 native languages.
Frayser follows the Kentucky Core Academic Standards (KCAS) for literacy and math. Science modules are used to emphasize science concepts through hands-on exploration. Reading and Math Interventions provide additional instruction for students who are performing below grade level. Extension, Primary Talent Pool, and Advance Program are provided for students who need extensions beyond grade level content.