
Felicia Duncan, Counselor

JCPS counselors, in partnership with students, families, staff, the community, and businesses, will prepare students to be successful lifelong learners. The kindergarten through grade-twelve comprehensive guidance program will provide teaching and modeling strategies that create a safe and positive teaching environment.

Our Comprehensive Developmental Guidance Program provides the skills necessary for academic success, career planning, and personal and social growth.

Frequently Asked Questions

What support services are available at Frayser Elementary?

  • Family Resource Center (FRC)

  • Extended School Services (ESS)

  • Mentoring

  • Clothes Closet

  • Exceptional Child Education (ECE) Services

  • MTSS (Multi-Tiered Systems of Support)

  • Counseling Provided by Community Organizations

  • Full-time Mental Health Practitioner

What specific services are available through my child's counselor?

  • Classroom Guidance

  • Individual Counseling

  • Group Counseling

  • Test Result Interpretation

  • Character Education

  • Conflict Resolution

  • Referrals to Outside Agencies

  • Advance Program Testing

Can you provide contact information for JCPS resources so that I can access services for my child?

Visit JCPS Student Support for a variety of resources for your child.

What is the best way to talk with my child's counselor?

Parents should set up an appointment to see their child's counselor by phone or email.

What is the best way for my child to talk with his or her counselor?

The best way is for students to make an appointment with clerical staff and the counselor through the Counseling Office. If it is an emergency, the student should contact a teacher or the general office staff immediately and let them know of his or her need to see the counselor.

What else can I learn about the services and programs offered by JCPS?

Visit the JCPS website, which has information on a variety of JCPS programs and departments.