Advisory Council
The Family Resource and Youth Services Centers (FRYSC) program is built upon the foundation of collaboration. A guiding principle in the development of the program was that the FRYSC program would have a community focus – we were intended to collaborate with other entities in order to more effectively serve the needs of our students and families. Centers are to be “brokers of services” – connecting students and families with the resources they need to be successful. It is not the purpose of Centers to develop a spirit of “direct-service provision”. This is evident in our Mission:
“To enhance students’ abilities to succeed in school by developing and sustaining partnerships that promote: Early learning and successful transition into school; Academic achievement and well-being’; Graduation and transition into adult life. “
In Family Resource and Youth Services Centers, the local Advisory Council is the key to assuring that collaborative community input and involvement occurs in the planning, implementation and oversight of the Center’s activities.
To mobilize and coordinate students and family-focused activities at times and in locations appropriate to their needs. Through the creation of a local source of information and support, the BHFRC will strive to support students and their families in order to overcome barriers to achievement. By providing this support, the center will assist children to reach their full human potential as caring, competent, lifelong learners who contribute to the community in a positive manner.