Every Day Counts! Attendance Notes
As we find ourselves in cold and flu season we are reminding students to cover their mouths, blow noses with tissues, and wash hands with soap and warm water! And as always, they should be keeping hands to themselves. 😄 It is OK for students to come to school if they have sniffles, coughs or sore throats, especially when it is related to weather, allergies, or just a common cold. Our school nurse can help treat those symptoms here at school (if there is a nurse consent on file for the student). Please review the JCPS Health Guide to determine when your student(s) should stay home. And if a student is really sick, they NEED to see a doctor. Students can only have 10 days of sickness excused each school year without doctor recommendation, any additional parent notes on sick days will be unexcused and students can only have 15 unexcused absences for the year before you are reported for truancy.
A recent update to Kentucky’s School Attendance Law 159.150, specifically affecting all JCPS students (House Bill 611) for the 2024-25 school year. Under the new legislation, it is now mandated that JCPS notify the county attorney’s office regarding students who accumulate 15 or more unexcused absences throughout the academic year. This means that should your child reach this threshold, JCPS will be required to report this information to the Jefferson County Attorney’s Office.
We also know there have been a handful of holidays and cultural events this past month and they will continue in the months ahead! If your student is missing school to celebrate a festival please communicate this to the school so the absence can be excused.
Also, as we approach the holidays we strongly encourage you to plan any trips to coincide with the student vacation days indicated on the JCPS Calendar! Please visit the JCPS website to view the calendar in other languages. If you cannot avoid missing a day or more of school, we encourage you to consider engaging in an educational activity as part of your travels. You can complete an Educational Enhancement Opportunity request for the days of school that will be missed and indicate the educational activity. If you are traveling out of the country you can note that your student will be experiencing the culture and language of a different place.
And as always, please remember to always contact Sarah Hong directly via text message or email to report the reasons for your child’s absence. And communicate with your teacher as well via Class Dojo; they are concerned when your student is not at school! If your child has an appointment please provide a note from the provider when the student returns to school.
Please remember that EVERY MINUTE COUNTS towards your child’s academic success. Please try to avoid late arrivals and early dismissals as much as possible. Communicate with the school if your family is experiencing difficulties and needs our support. And remember, notes from a provider are also needed to excuse late arrivals and early dismissals due to appointments!