Advisory Council
The Highland YSC strives to implement a professional student and family services program based upon "the nationally-adopted Standards of Quality for Family Strengthening & Support (which) integrate and operationalize the Principles of Family Support Practice and the Strengthening Families Framework and its research-based evidence-informed 5 Protective Factors. "
"The Standards have created a common language across different kinds of Family Strengthening and Family Support programs such as Family Resource Centers, home visiting programs, and child development programs. They are designed to be used by all stakeholders – public departments, foundations, networks, community based organizations, and families - as a tool for planning, providing, and assessing quality practice. The vision is that their implementation will help ensure that families are supported and strengthened through quality practice."
Family Centeredness
Working with a family-centered approach that values and recognizes families as integral to the Program.
Family Strengthening
Utilizing a family strengthening approach to support families to be strong, healthy, and safe, thereby promoting their optimal development.
Embracing Diversity
Acknowledging and respecting families’ diversity, supporting their participation in a diverse society, as well as engaging in ongoing learning and adaptation to diversity.
Community Building
Contributing to building a strong and healthy community by facilitating families’ social connections, developing their leadership skills, and by collaborating with other Programs.
Looking at areas of Program strength, as well as areas for further development, in order to guide continuous quality improvement and achieve positive results for families.