Use the search field above to filter by staff name.
Ms. Byard
English Language Arts
6th Grade - Yale
Ms. Bowman
Social Studies
6th Grade - Yale
Ms. Durtche-Howard
6th Grade - Yale
Ms. Day
Special Education
6th Grade - Yale
Mr. Taylor
7th Grade - Cornell
Ms. Boucher
English Language Arts
7th Grade - Cornell
Ms. Greene
Social Studies
7th Grade - Cornell
Mr. Adams
7th Grade - Cornell
Ms. Vinson
English Language Development
7th Grade - Cornell
Ms. Alfonso
7th Grade - Dartmouth
Ms. Peterson
English Language Arts
7th Grade - Dartmouth
Ms. Cline
Social Studies
7th Grade - Dartmouth
Ms. Seewer
7th Grade - Dartmouth
Ms. Wyatt
7th Grade - Vanderbilt
Ms. Pollock
English Language Arts
7th Grade - Vanderbilt
Mr. Lichvar
Social Studies
7th Grade - Vanderbilt
Mr. Conner
7th Grade - Vanderbilt
Ms. Lytle
Special Education
7th Grade - Vanderbilt
Mr. Wolkensperg
English Language Arts
8th Grade - Cambridge
Mr. Acree
Social Studies
8th Grade - Cambridge