Come with me, and you'll be, in a World of Pure Imagination!
Drama at LPAS encourages all students to explore the three tools of acting: voice, body, and imagination. They develop basic skills and then progressively build on these throughout the elementary experience. Students learn through creative play, theatre exercises, literature, and scripts. They also learn about the technical elements of theatre, including costumes, makeup, and property and set design. Drama education includes the purposes of theatre and performance elements. Classes are enhanced with cutting-edge technology, now available in our arts wing. Students are able to view professional performances, storytellers, mimes and magic, and themselves, all within the classroom! Process-oriented in nature, the main focus of drama for K–5 students is self-expression, communication, cooperation, and—most importantly—building self-esteem. All of these skills are useful not only in the theatre but also in real-life situations and careers.