Welcome to Vocal Music Class!
The Vocal Music Program uses the students’ own natural and personal instrument—the voice—to teach music literacy. Based on the Kodaly Approach of teaching, solfege training (do, re mi, etc.) is an integral part of vocal music class. Through the use of solfege, students learn to use their singing voice to develop independent singing, followed by ensemble unison singing, then progressing to rounds, partner songs, and two- and three-part harmony. Singing games, movement, music reading and writing, and composition are also a part of each lesson. Students are introduced to a broad range of choral literature and develop vocal techniques of correct posture and breathing, which are essential for good vocal production. Good vocal health habits are taught as well. Performance skills are stressed and practiced daily as students are given opportunities to perform individually and as an ensemble.
Meet the Teacher
Mrs. Gibson has been teaching music for 17 years. She holds a Bachelor of Music and a Masters in Music Education from Western Kentucky University. She earned her Kodaly Certification from Morehead State University and Orff Schulwerk Certification from the University of Kentucky. In addition to teaching piano, vocal music, and chorus at LPAS, she serves as the JCPS All-County Honor Choir Co-Chair, and leads professional development for other music teachers in the district. She is also a mentor for choral music students through the University of Louisville. Mrs. Gibson was selected as the Kentucky Music Educators 2015 Elementary Music Teacher of the Year for the 12th District.