Family Resource Center

Hours of Operation: Monday–Friday, 7:45 a.m.–4:15 p.m. or by appointment
(502) 977-4907

It is the goal of the McFerran Preparatory Academy Family Resource Center (FRC) to serve the community by providing our students and families with the resources needed to thrive and become self-sufficient. The FRC's purpose is to assist families in removing the nonacademic barriers that impede with academic excellence. If you need assistance with uniforms, feel free to call me for an appointment to the Parent Teacher Association (PTA) Clothing Assistance Program (CAP). If you are in need for food assistance, please call:

Dare to Care Food Bank at (502) 966-3821
Bridges of Hope Neighborhood Place at (502) 634-6050
The Lord's Kitchen at (502) 413-0198

Michelle Houston

Michelle Houston


Email Michelle Houston

School Hours: 9:40 a.m. to 4:20 p.m.