
Our School

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Our Mission

The mission of the Georgia Chaffee Teenage Parent Program (TAPP) is to ensure that pregnant and parenting students are college and career ready and engaged in an environment that promotes high expectations for academic achievement encompassing the whole child by nurturing intellectual development, emotional stability, physical well-being and self-sufficiency.

Our Vision and Core Beliefs

  • Every student will be college and career ready.

  • Removing barriers to student success through medical services, social services, and childcare services.

  • Exposure to various vocational/college career pathways through career fairs, college and technical school visits and other post-secondary opportunities.

Georgia Chaffe Teenage Principal

Message From Our Principal

Since 1970, the Teenage Parent Program (TAPP) has enabled thousands of pregnant and parenting young women to complete their high school education. Being a mother at a young age presents many barriers to success in school such as illness, child care issues, transportation, and access to medical care. TAPP provides these and other valuable services on site so that the student never has to leave campus to receive her education. TAPP's philosophy is that teenage pregnancy is not an excuse to fail, rather it becomes the reason you MUST succeed! This success is accomplished through our excellent academic program and exceptional support services which include our Medical Clinic, Child Care Center, Family Programs, and Science, Math and Right Technology (S.M.A.R.T) program. 

Achievement is a key component of the TAPP program with an increasing number of our graduates enrolling in college and technical schools . The success of the TAPP program would not be possible if not for the accomplished, dedicated, and caring staff who firmly believe in the potential of all of our students.

The Teenage Parent Program has been recognized as The Most Outstanding Intervention Program in the country by the National Organization of Adolescent Pregnancy and Parenting for its unparalleled success and commitment to teen mothers and their children.

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Georgia Chaffee TAPP School is located in Fairdale, KY in the southern region of Jefferson County in Louisville, KY. It is an alternative choice school serving pregnant and parenting students from surrounding middle and high schools. Students are given the option to come to Georgia Chaffee TAPP where they can take advantage of special programs designed to meet the unique needs of those whom are pregnant and parenting. The available programs include academics, childcare, medical care, and family services. This comprehensive program makes Georgia Chaffee TAPP an ideal school for pregnant and parenting students.