Extra Curriculars
Art Club
Students in Art Club learned how to create artworks using a variety of techniques including crochet, embroidery, and soft sculpture.
Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America
FCCLA is the only in-school student organization with the family as its central focus. FCCLA is a career and technical student organization that functions as an integral part of the Family and Consumer Sciences education curriculum. FCCLA operates within the school system and it provides opportunities for active student participation at local, state, and national levels.
Students in STEM Club have the opportunity to explore audio production concepts, robotics, programming/coding, and logic puzzles.
Future Business Leaders of America
FBLA is a club that focuses on building strong future business leaders. We do a variety of community service projects and also work on skills that help us become successful for the business world. Some of our events helped teach our students about finances, budgeting, public speaking and making successful life choices.
Project S.M.A.R.T.
The goal of Project S.M.A.R.T. is to provide teenage parents with access to advanced technology and real-world experiences in the classroom in order to enhance their academic skills in math, science, and the right technology. The program is designed to provide exposure to institutions of higher education while helping teen parents excel in math, science, and technology to aid them in obtaining the skills necessary to pursue a post-secondary degree. Students in the program are exposed to professional careers with a math, science and technology focus. This is accomplished through guest speakers, field trips, mentoring, career fairs and job shadowing. Students also tour local colleges and universities that offer degreed programs for professional careers. College and technical career options are discussed with students to help them find the school that best fits their individual needs.
All Project S.M.A.R.T graduates who are accepted to and attend an accredited college, university or technical school full-time are eligible to receive a free laptop computer.
Racial Equity Scholars
Our T.A.P.P. Racial Equity Scholars are members of our school’s Racial Equity Committee. They assist the school in the monitoring and implementation of our building’s commitment to our district-wide racial equity plan by supporting school racial equity improvement strategies. These students focused specifically on learning about the different cultures, ethnicities and races that make up our TAPP school community. Throughout the year, these students worked to understand the gaps in achievement, learning, expectations and discipline outcomes that occur in school and society based on racial and cultural differences.
Student Technology Leadership Program
The Kentucky Department of Education’s Student Technology Leadership Program (STLP) uses project-based learning principles to empower student learning and achievement through the utilization (and creation) of technology to solve school and community needs. STLP provides a means for students to bring their ideas to life.
Games Club
Students in Games Club practice teamwork, critical thinking, and strategy through game play.