By: Genesis M

In the 8th grade, children in science are learning how candy is slowly killing orangutans. 

It all starts with the rain forest, a beautiful place filled with wildlife galore, including the orangutan. However, the rain forest is being cut down. Why? people are making room for oil palm plantations. Why do we need those though? 

Oil palm trees can, surprise, make palm oil. Palm oil is a substance that’s used in multiple goods such as laundry detergent, instant noodles, and yes candy. But why are we endangering the lives of the creatures of the rain forest?

Oil palm trees are tropical plants that need lots of warmth and water. The rain forest meets the requirements, so we keep cutting down trees. One of these trees include the ones that grow the orangutan’s food.

If we keep this up, according to science orangutans will be extinct in 10 years. I believe if we trap a greenhouse that can keep itself as warm as a tropical rain forest, we won’t need to get rid of anymore rain forests.