Tom Causey, Family Resource Center (FRC) Coordinator
The Family Resource Center (FRC) is here for you. We look forward to working with you to make sure that all of our students succeed. We hope that your child and your family will participate in the variety of programs and activities we offer:
After-school arts and sports clubs
Family Fun and Learning Nights
Every 1 Reads
Grandparents Day, Mom’s Day, and Dad’s Day
Referrals for tutoring, day care, summer camps, and many other services and events in our community
Enrichment activities and assemblies
Health and safety programs
The FRC also offers assistance to families in times of need. All of our services are based on your child’s or family's situation and, of course, remain completely confidential. Please see us for assistance with the following:
Basic needs, including emergency financial, food, and housing
Job training or continuing education, including General Educational Development (GED)
Social or health services
Family counseling or individual counseling for your child
Many of the programs and activities of the FRC are created by the FRC Advisory Council. This council is a group of parents, teachers, and community representatives who meet once a month to review our budget and programs. If you would like to be a part of this group, see us for more information.
We are glad your family is a part of the Wellington family. We look forward to working with you.
Call us at 485-8117.