Zachary Taylor Elementary serves a culturally diverse population of students and offers a wide range of programs and supports. Our students participate in art, music, physical education, and technology classes.
Zachary Taylor also offers an Advance Program curriculum for those students who qualify and offers Extended School Services (ESS) for those students needing additional academic support. Students also receive daily literacStudents attending Zachary Taylor Elementary School will develop their abilities and gain knowledge in all subject areas. Students will build upon past experiences to process information and develop skills, attitudes, and knowledge that will assist them in reaching proficiency.y and math instruction that includes interventions and enrichment opportunities for each student. All students also participate in daily science instruction that incorporates the use of Science FOSS Modules. Our curriculum has been supported and expanded by the adoption of the CARE for Kids Program, which facilitates the building of classroom communities with an emphasis on character education, problem solving, and social skills development. The CARE for Kids Program is supported by daily instruction in social studies that focuses on the components of communities and regions and the importance of citizenship and understanding United States history.
Zachary Taylor partners with the YMCA and serves as a site for the YMCA Child Enrichment Program (CEP). This program offers before- and after-school child-care services for families. Zachary Taylor has a full-time counselor, assistant principal, Family Resource Center (FRC) coordinator, mental health counselor, positive action center teacher, librarian and resource teacher to assist with the multiple needs of effectively educating each student.
Zachary Taylor

Zachary Taylor Elementary serves a culturally diverse population of students and offers a wide range of programs and supports. Our students participate in art, music, physical education, and technology classes.
Zachary Taylor also offers an Advance Program curriculum for those students who qualify and offers Extended School Services (ESS) for those students needing additional academic support. Students also receive daily literacStudents attending Zachary Taylor Elementary School will develop their abilities and gain knowledge in all subject areas. Students will build upon past experiences to process information and develop skills, attitudes, and knowledge that will assist them in reaching proficiency.y and math instruction that includes interventions and enrichment opportunities for each student. All students also participate in daily science instruction that incorporates the use of Science FOSS Modules. Our curriculum has been supported and expanded by the adoption of the CARE for Kids Program, which facilitates the building of classroom communities with an emphasis on character education, problem solving, and social skills development. The CARE for Kids Program is supported by daily instruction in social studies that focuses on the components of communities and regions and the importance of citizenship and understanding United States history.
Zachary Taylor partners with the YMCA and serves as a site for the YMCA Child Enrichment Program (CEP). This program offers before- and after-school child-care services for families. Zachary Taylor has a full-time counselor, assistant principal, Family Resource Center (FRC) coordinator, mental health counselor, positive action center teacher, librarian and resource teacher to assist with the multiple needs of effectively educating each student.