School Resources & Information
Transportation Memo from Principal
ZT Parents / Guardians:
School Hours and Arrival Procedures
The school day at Zachary Taylor Elementary begins at 7:40am and ends at 2:20pm. Students should arrive between 7:00 and 7:30am. All students are able to eat breakfast at no cost. After they eat breakfast, they will report to their holding areas. Students in grades K-2 report to the gym. Third grade students report to the library. Fourth and fifth grade students report to the library hallway.
Car riders enter at the parking lot from Hurstbourne Parkway and proceed around the parking lot, past the playground, to the circle by the library. The library door is open from 7:00am to 7:35am Please do not park or stop your car. Between 7:00 and 7:35, car riders should NOT be dropped off in front of the building – the bus circle is reserved for BUSES ONLY at this time.
Students should be in their seats and instruction begins at 7:40.
Dismissal Procedures
School Ends at 2:20pm
Changes to transportation for the day will end at 1:30 pm. We will not make changes after 1:30pm.
If your child is a car rider, you must pick them up in the car rider line.
You must pick your child up on time every day. Failure to follow this procedure will result in a meeting with the principal to see how we can support the situation.
Bus Riders
Bus riders are dismissed when the tone sounds at 2:20. Students will be escorted to their buses by their teachers through designated exits.
Car Riders
Children who are car riders are dismissed from the library. For the safety of all, parents are assigned a car rider number and students are dismissed by that number. Please follow the flow of traffic around the back of school to pick up car riders. Students must be picked up by 2:35 p.m. In order to promote the safety of ALL of our students, and limit the confusion of afternoon dismissal, parents are prohibited from waiting in the school lobby to pick up students. Walkers and car riders will be dismissed from the library ONLY. We appreciate your cooperation with this policy.
Walkers will be released from the library. Students with parent permission only will be allowed to walk home independently. All kindergarten walkers must be picked up by an adult.
Early Dismissal
Early dismissals are granted, if an emergency exists. Parents who find it essential to request an early release must appear in person and sign the official register in the office before 1:45pm. Teachers are instructed to release students only after the request is made by the office via telephone. Students then report to the office. These procedures are essential for the protection and safety of our students. Teachers have been instructed not to release children directly from the classrooms to parents.
Changes in Method Home
We understand that there are times when the method by which a student goes home must be changed during the course of a day. Messages regarding changes in mode of transportation must be received in the school office by 1:30 p.m. each day in order for our staff to ensure that the message is relayed to the student. Due to the high volume of activity in the afternoons, we cannot guarantee that messages received after 1:30 p.m. will be relayed.