Counseling Center

Mission Statement
The mission of the School Counseling Program at Butler Traditional High School is to provide high-quality, comprehensive counseling services to all students. We strive to help all students thrive through academic development as well as social and emotional strengths so that they can meet their college or career goals. This is accomplished through collaboration with school faculty & staff, parents/guardians, administrators, and the community to create successful, productive, contributing citizens and lifelong learners in a diverse and changing world.
Class of 2024 Graduation - Wednesday, May 29th - 9:00 AM Freedom Hall

"Bear Facts"
Let Our Tradition Shape Your Future!
“Bear” Facts: Traditional Program
Butler is one of only two district-wide Traditional Magnet Program High Schools. The Traditional Program places an added emphasis on high academic standards, proper conduct, citizenship, and the development of self-discipline.
Schools of Learning
Butler students complete the Pre-College Curriculum, which is an approved course of study required for admission to colleges and universities. Within the Pre-College Curriculum, students have the opportunity to select various programs of study or career/technical pathways within the following Schools of Learning:
Fine Arts (Music, Art & Theatre) Business
Cyber Science Education
Engineering/Robotics General Studies
Health Sciences Organizational Leadership (JROTC)
College Credit Opportunities
Butler has several options for students who wish to earn college credit hours while still in high school, through Advanced Placement (AP) courses and dual credit programs, which are offered through the University of Louisville, Jefferson Community and Technical College (JCTC), and Campbellsville University.
Advanced Placement Courses:
Biology II, Calculus, English Language and Composition III, Human Geography, U.S. History, World History, Psychology, Music Theory
JCTC Courses:
American Government, Personal Finance, Internet Technology, Computational Thinking, Web Page Development, Senior English, Contemporary Math, College Algebra, Medicaid Nurse Aide
University of Louisville Courses:
College Algebra, English, Art History, Humanities, Oral Communications, Pre-Calculus, various Teacher
Education courses, various Business courses through the Cardinal Bridge Program
Campbellsville University:
Theatre Appreciation, Music Appreciation
UPS Co-Operative Education:
Students work part time at UPS while taking college courses via Metropolitan College.
Student Support
Butler maintains a true sense of community and support for our entire Bear Family by making the following resources available to students and parents:
ACT Boot Camp
Mental Health Practitioner
Best Buddies
Program Social Worker
Family Resources
Youth Service Center Sources of Strength
Parent Teacher Student Association
Summer Boost and Recovery Programs
School Nurse
Tutoring Programs
Recent Athletic Accomplishments
Boys Bowling - 3rd in State
Individual - 3rd in State
Boys Wrestling - Individual State Finalist
Boys Soccer - Region Champions
Cheerleading - 4th in the State
Golf - Individual State Participant
Softball State Champions
Cheerleading Regional Champions
Boys Soccer - Sweet Sixteen of State Tourn.
Dance Team State Champions
Cheerleading Region Champions-#11 Nationally
Boys Basketball - Elite Eight of State Tourn
Girls Track - 3200M Relay State Champions
Boys Bowling State Champions
Unified Bowling State Champions
Cheerleading - State Runner-Up
Boys Soccer - Elite Eight of State Tourn.
Girls Soccer - 3rd Place State Tournament
Boys Soccer Sweet Sixteen
Girls Golf State Tournament
Girls Basketball Elite Eight
Girls Basketball State Champions
Boys Soccer Sweet Sixteen
Dance Team State Champions
Dance Team State Champions
Girls Basketball State Champions
Cheerleading #11 Nationally
Football State 6A Final Four
Girls Basketball Sweet Sixteen
Cheerleading State Runner-Up
Cheerleading State Runner-Up
Football State 6A Final Four
Baseball State Runner-Up
USA National Track Team
Boys 3200M Relay State Champions
Girls Basketball Sweet Sixteen
Boys 3200M Relay State Champions
Girls Basketball Sweet Sixteen
Cheerleading State Runner-Up
Cheerleading State Champions
Girls Basketball State Champions