Conway Clubs

Please email the sponsor of each club or call the office if you would like more information.

Short Description Of Each Club


Are you interested in raising your test scores?
Chess is fun!
Chess creates a solid, more focused & independent YOU!
Chess helps you win and lose graciously!
Chess produces strategical, logical thinkers & problem solvers!
Chess is a life-long skill that you will never be sorry for learning!


Walking / Jogging Club

Walking/Jogging club is a group of committed students who like to walk, talk, and enjoy the outdoors. We meet on Wednesdays 2:30-3:30. Anyone is welcomed to join! We plan to participate in a charity walk/5k this school year.



FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes)

FCA is an international non-profit Christian sports ministry. Its primary focus is serving local communities by equipping, empowering, and encouraging people to make a difference for Jesus Christ. Even though this particular ministry is geared towards athletes, it is open to whomever (students and staff, athletes and non-athletes, Christians and non-Christians) is interested in participating! The more the merrier! Even if you are unsure right now as to if this club is the right fit for you, it is strongly encouraged that you check us out, even if it is just for one meeting!

Anime Club

This club meets in Room 117A on Wednesday and Thursday immediately after third bell. Ms. Peterson is the sponsor of the club. 


Black Student Union