Parent Resources

PTA Members Needed

The purpose of the Conway PTA is to foster the relationship between home and school so that parents and teachers cooperate in the education of their children. This can be critical in middle school; thus the need for a PTA is important in the growth and success of our students. The Conway PA Board has four openings for the 2024-25 school year: President, Vice President, Secretary, and Hospitality. These positions are appointed for a two-year term. The Board officially meets once per month for about one hour. Meetings can be scheduled to fit the needs of the board members. If you are interested in serving in any of these positions or volunteering to help in any of the committees, please complete this form by Jul 31, 2024 @ 5:00 pm.

 If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact Email Dr. Erika Collins.

Drop Off Procedures

  1. Students being dropped off at School via car will enter the parking lot and circle the teacher parking lot in a single line. Follow the GREEN LINE in the picture below.

  2. Follow the car line until you are stopped beside the sidewalk. See the YELLOW LINES on the map.

  3. Pull all the way forward so we can have multiple students exiting cars and keep our line moving. Ensure your child is ready to exit the car with their belongings.

  4. Once your car is stopped by the sidewalk, your student may exit the car with their belongings.

  • DO NOT drop students off in the bus loop or the teacher parking lot. See the RED LINES.

  • Students may be dropped off in the car rider line beginning at 7:00 AM

Pick Up Procedures

  1. If you are picking up your student in the afternoon, you will enter the Conway Parking lot and follow the road to the Lower Parking Lot. See GREEN LINE.

  2. Parents/Guardians will park their cars in lines as described by School Security in the Lower Parking Lot.

  3. At *2:20 Car Rider Students will exit the building and walk to their car in the Lower Parking Lot. Once students are in cars and the Lower Parking Lot is clear, cars will proceed out of the parking lot as directed by security on the left side of the road. See the GREEN LINE.

  4. If a car has not picked up its student, the driver will pull forward in the right-hand lane and wait for the student to come to the car. This line will not move until the Lower Parking Lot is clear. See YELLOW LINE. 

    • Students CAN NOT be picked up in the teacher parking lot or the Bus loop, See RED LINES

*Note new start time of 7:30am and dismissal time of 2:10pm

Smartphone Resources For Parents

These videos were created by South East Church that will help you navigate smartphones with your children.