
Mrs. Leona Dilger Gutermuth was born in Louisville, Kentucky. At the age of nine, the family moved to the community of Shively, located just south of the city of Louisville. She attended a one room school in the Mill Creek area through the eighth grade.
Upon her graduation from the eighth grade, "Mrs. Leona" went back to the city and enrolled at the Louisville Girls High School. Immediately upon her graduation from Girls High she embarked upon her teaching career, starting as classroom teacher at the old Greenwood School, and only 18 years old.
Mrs. Leona Dilger Gutermuth
She remained at the old Greenwood School for six years, working summers
and attending evening classes at the old Nazareth College, now known as Catherine Spalding College. She received her B.S. degree from Nazareth College in
1947. Upon receipt of her B.S. she immediately began work toward her Master's degree in Education. Four years later, June 5, 1951, she achieved her M.E. from the University of Louisville.
"Mrs. Leona" came to Mill Creek School as principal in September, 1927.
The school consisted of only five rooms. In 1942 the community outgrew this five-room building and moved a quarter of a mile south from its original site to 4205 Dixie Highway on the east side of the highway. This school was consolidated with Schardein and Maplewood schools, and in 1951 had an enrollment of 738 children.
"Mrs. Leona" and this school served the community needs quite adequately
for awhile, but in the last few years it again "outgrew" the three-story structure and expanded into portables, and then into the Shively Baptist Church.
At the close of 1969-70 school year Mill Creek had 1150 children.
On October 27, 1969, the Jefferson County Board of Education approved bids for the construction of another Mill Creek school, and of course,"Mrs.Leona" would be the principal. This new fireproof, air-conditioned facility is located in Shively Park and was officially dedicated last week, October 6, 1970.
Tonight "Mrs. Leona" is wearing "two hats", one as the honoree, the other as principal of the new Mill Creek Elementary School.
"Mrs. Leona" holds membership in all educational organizations (NEA, KEA, JCTA, and ASCD). She is a Kentucky Colonel, and was one of the first principals in the school system to help organize a Safety Patrol. She stated recently her only hobby is "working with and for the educational growth and development of the children of the community."
For the past twenty-five years, "Mrs. Leona" has been an active member of the Fourth & Oak Baptist Church; before that, she served as Sunday school teacher at the 18th & Hill Baptist Church. Church and children have dominated this outstanding lady's career.
She has served the teaching profession all of her adult life, and is still going strong. Her efforts have been dedicated to the children of Jefferson County.
It is, therefore, with deep appreciation and admiration that the Jefferson Coun ty Board of Education dedicates this school to a most gracious and devoted lady . . . Mrs. Leona Dilger Gutermuth.
Howard Downing
Mrs. Chara Thompson
Mrs. Mary Albin
Mrs. Vicki Bashore
Mrs. Evelyn Feltner
Mrs. Brenda Hall|
Miss Linda Underwood
Mrs. Charlotte Baker
Miss Charlotte Holman
Mrs. Elizabeth Nichols
Mrs. Maryann Kantlehner
Mrs. Janie Payne
Mrs. Lily Kruetzman
Mrs. lona Duvall
Mrs. Joyce Cheek
Mr. Von Powell
Miss Eva Drake
Mrs. Lois Rothgerber
Mrs. Carol McElheney
Mrs. Mary Ditto
Miss Marietta Ashton
Mr. John Waldrop
Mrs. Bonnie Miller
Mrs. Cheryl Cox
Miss Janet Marshall
Miss Lizabeth McCann
Office Staff
Mrs. Grace Skaggs, Counselor
Mrs. Judith Hyde, Bookkeeper
Mrs. Angilee Lowen, Secretary
Mrs. Doris Bland
Mrs. Juanita Bloyd
Mrs. Sara Willis
Lunchroom Staff
Mrs. Vanita Eubank,
Lunchroom Manager
Mrs. Margie Bugg
Mrs. Sara Dukes
Mrs. Janis Popplewill
Mrs. Dorothy Spurlock
Mr. Forrest Carter
Custodial Staff
Mr. Raymond Diersing,
Plant Operator
Mrs. Mary Prewitt
Mrs. Janie Hayes
Bus Drivers
Mr. E.C. Bright
Mrs. Dot Mahoney
Mrs. Grace Willoughby
Mrs. Catherine Gutermuth
Mrs. Eliz. Barker
Architect: Hartstern, Schnell & Associates
General Contractor: Stevens Construction Co.
Puctical Herkin Brock Electric C Southern Plumbing & Piping
Site Improvements: Raymond Construction Co.
General Construction: $676,000
Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning: $247,506
Electrical Work: $102,899
Site Improvements: $119,100
Total Square Feet: 54,000
Number of Pupils: 756
Cost Per Sq. Foot: '$19.01
Cost Per Pupil: **$1,357.68
Grand Total: $1,145,505
Five new elementary schools are being dedicated in Jefferson County this year, and six schools have been enlarged by new additions intended to increase their housing capacity. Rising pupil enrollment has has made this building program necessary.
We take pride in the community which has made these buildings possible. The grave responsibility of a housing program of this extent is one which the members of the Jefferson County Board of Education and its staff do not take lightly. Even more important is the responsibility for the program of education provided for the children of Jefferson County in these challenging times.
Schools like these make possible an excellent learning situation for children. Our buildings are planned with the intention of making them adaptable to changing programs made necessary by our everchanging world. It is our hope that the promise of each new school will be richly fulfilled in the years ahead.