Henry's Math Workshop
Henry's Math Workshop
Children who believe they can be successful in math are more willing to put in effort, even when they struggle, and this results in better performance.
Success in elementary school math predicts future achievement in middle and high school math and other subjects.**
Students who complete higher level math in high school earn higher incomes in the future."
The number of STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) jobs is growing and half of all STEM jobs are available to workers without a four-year college degree. STEM jobs pay 10% more than other jobs available to these workers."
Math Mindsets
Praising effort and modeling positive math attitudes
Encouraging children to seek help and try new strategies when they are stuck
Confronting stereotypes about who is good at math.
Take Home Message
Adult attitudes toward math can influence a child's math achievement.
Both family and teacher feedback is important for math learning.
Changing your mindset and feedback can help your children succeed at math.